雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 公眾參與及教育. 地球的未來需要我們共同努力,攜手應對環境挑戰,讓大自然生生不息,陪伴下一代。. 了解更多. © WWF - Hong Kong.

  2. Recognizing that the problems facing our planet are increasingly more complex and urgent, WWF focuses its work on six ambitious goals. Through this integrative approach, we can challenge the planet’s greatest threats and ensure a healthy future for people and nature. Create a climate-resilient and zero-carbon world.

  3. act for our world. By generously giving your time and resources, you become a vital part of WWF-Hong Kong's conservation work, enabling positive change for the community and your family's future. Be a Changemaker!

  4. 世界自然基金會(英語: World Wide Fund for Nature,縮寫:WWF),成立於1961年4月29日(成立時為世界野生生物基金會,英語: World Wildlife Fund,於1986年易名,但仍在美國和加拿大使用此名),其標誌是一隻熊貓。

  5. 世界自然基金会(英語: World Wide Fund for Nature,縮寫:WWF),成立于1961年4月29日(成立時為世界野生生物基金會,英語: World Wildlife Fund,於1986年易名,但仍在美国和加拿大使用此名),其标誌是一只大熊猫。

  6. Known worldwide by its panda logo, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) leads international efforts to protect endangered species and their habitats and address global threats such as pollution, over-fishing and climate change.

  7. WWF需要您的支持,無論您捐款成為會員、參加籌款活動,還是促請公司成為會員,亦或是登記成為義工,總有機會讓您參與其中,與我們一起締造更美好的未來!

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