雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 非物質文化遺產辦事處推出粵港澳大灣區非遺匯瑞展覽(附圖). 行政長官在第四屆粵港澳大灣區文化藝術節開幕典禮致辭(只有中文)(附短片). 財經事務及庫務局局長在北京出席2024金融街論壇年會「金融賦能產業引領高質量發展」主論壇致辭全文(只有 ...

  2. 19-10-2024. ICHO to launch auspicious intangible cultural heritage of Greater Bay Area exhibition (with photos) Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected methamphetamine worth about $1.5 million at airport (with photo) SEE to attend International Energy Week in Singapore. HAD opens temporary heat shelters.

  3. HKSAR Government Press Releases. 16-10-2024. Press releases for today are yet to be available. They will be uploaded onto this page once issued. Press Release(Please click month and year to change the calendar date) Archives Yesterday's Press Releases.

  4. 2023年11月9日 · 衞生署今日(十一月九日)公布,政府下周一(十一月十三日)將推出為期三年的「長者醫療券獎賞先導計劃」(「獎賞先導計劃」),以善用資源推動基層醫療,支援長者的醫療需要。. 政府會透過發放獎賞,鼓勵65歲或以上合資格長者使用醫療券接受 ...

  5. 任何人士就強制檢測安排有疑問,可於上午九時至下午六時致電熱線6275 6901查詢。受檢人士如欲前往個別社區檢測中心作檢測,可先查詢中心的預約情況。社區檢測中心熱線電話見www.communitytest.gov.hk/zh-HK/info。

  6. 政府就強制檢測公告刊憲. 2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃數字. 行政長官出席香港政協青年聯會七周年會慶暨第四屆執委會就職典禮致辭(只有中文)(附圖/短片). 衞生防護中心調查兩宗上呼吸道感染爆發個案. 民政事務局局長在立法會民政事務委員會會議就 ...

  7. 2022年10月31日 · 政府發表有關虛擬資產在港發展的政策宣言. *******************. 政府今日(十月三十一日)發表有關虛擬資產在港發展的政策宣言,闡明政府為在香港發展具活力的虛擬資產行業和生態系統而訂定的政策立場和方針。. 政策宣言 ...

  8. The Government announced on September 23 the lifting of compulsory quarantine requirement for inbound persons from overseas places or Taiwan starting from September 26, after analysing scientific data and striking a balance among factors such as transmission risks. The arrangement for inbound persons from the Mainland or Macao will be ...

  9. 2023年12月12日 · 因應對應XBB變異株的新冠疫苗供港,政府今日(十二月十二日)公布最新新冠疫苗接種安排,以為高風險優先組別提供更佳保護,並因應2019冠狀病毒病已作為其中一種上呼吸道疾病來管理,把有關疫苗接種安排逐步常態化。. 繼早前十萬劑XBB變異株信使 ...

  10. The Government announced on May 4 the arrangements for inbound travellers from places outside Hong Kong to obtain a Provisional Vaccine Pass and for persons who have recovered from COVID-19 infection in places outside Hong Kong (non-locally recovered persons) to declare their non-local recovery record for obtaining a recovery record QR code.

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