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  3. 1000+款生日卡出售,支持生日卡在線設計與製作. 在Design Easy網站上,您可以找到超過1000款精心設計的生日卡,適合各種風格和需求。. 無論您是尋找經典、可愛、搞笑還是現代風格的生日卡,我們都能滿足您的需求。. 此外,我們還提供便捷的在線設計和製作功能 ...

  4. Send animated, musical, free birthday ecards to your friends and family around the globe. Funny, sweet or romantic - we have over a hundred birthday ecards for you to choose from. Write your personal message and send your ecard instantly or choose a date.

  5. 政府資訊中心網站 (www.gov.hk)最近推出了五款電子賀卡,免費讓市民透過互聯網向世界各地的親友和生意夥伴送上節日的祝福,其中兩款電子賀卡的設計以「香港品牌」-「飛龍」標誌為藍本,在飛龍帶動下展示這個城市的活力以及國際都會的魅力。. 市民傳送 ...

  6. Artfia also features a high-quality printing service allowing you to bring your birthday card design into reality and give a decent gift with blessing to your friends. We will print your birthday card at a reasonable price and with prompt delivery to your chosen address.

  7. Celebrate a birthday by sending a free happy birthday eCard. Open Me has a huge selection of birthday eCards designed by Threadless and other top designers - cupcakes, cakes, squirrels and whales - many fun designs to choose from.

  1. yahoo ecard hk birthday 相關

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