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  1. YVES ROCHER HK法國 No. 1 以珍貴植物精華及對大自然的熱愛為基礎的植物美肌品牌。. 採用天然原材料研究及開發頭髮護理、面部修護、化妝、香水及身體護理產品。.

  2. 查看 YVES ROCHER 各區專門店及美容中心地址。.

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  4. YVES ROCHER 面部護理產品款精華、面膜、洗面奶、防敏保濕護膚品;抗皺、控油、淡斑、美白,照顧肌膚各種需要。.

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  6. Yves Rocher is the number 1 beauty care brand in France, and a global botanical beauty brand with products ranging across skin care, hair care, hygiene and fragrances. Our products feature natural formulas, and sustainably sourced ingredients.

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  9. Yves Rocher Hong Kong. 46,801 likes · 441 talking about this. 法國 No. 1 珍貴植物精華及對大自然的熱愛為基礎的植物美肌品牌。. 採用天然原材料研究及開發頭髮護理、面部修護、化妝、香水及身體護理產品。.

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