雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Online project management software for easily managing your projects from thought to finish.

  2. Zoho Projects é uma plataforma de gerenciamento de projetos que oferece recursos para planejar, acompanhar, colaborar e integrar seus projetos. Saiba mais sobre os benefícios, as funcionalidades e as integrações do Zoho Projects para equipes de qualquer porte e setor.

  3. Zoho Projectsは、クラウドベースのプロジェクト管理ソフトウェアで、プロジェクトの計画、業務の効率的な追跡、チームとのコラボレーションに役立ちます。ガントチャート、タスク自動化、タイムシート、カスタマイズなどの機能を備え、Zohoの他のアプリや外部サービスとも連携できます。

  4. Zoho Projects es una plataforma de gestión de proyectos que te ayuda a planificar, seguir y colaborar con tus equipos. Con Zoho Projects, puedes usar diagramas de Gantt, planillas de horas trabajadas, automatización de tareas, personalización de proyectos y más de 50 integraciones.

  5. Zoho Projects is a one-stop solution for managing projects across various industries, such as construction, software development, education, and more. It offers features for collaboration, scheduling, tracking, reporting, and issue-tracking to help teams deliver quality products and services.

  6. Zoho Projects هو برنامج يوفر خدمات متعددة لإدارة المشاريع والتعاون مع فرق عالمية. يمكنك إنشاء مخططات جانت، سجل الساعات، تتبع الوقت، والتعاون مع تطبيقات Zoho والجهات الخارجية.

  7. Zoho Projects is a cloud-based project management software that helps you organize, automate, and simplify your work. Find out how to use its features, get answers to FAQs, join the community, watch tutorials, and access API and extension guides.

  8. Zoho Projects ist eine Plattform für Projektmanagement, die Ihnen hilft, Ihre Projekte zu planen, zu nachverfolgen und zu automatisieren. Mit Gantt-Diagrammen, Zeitnachweis, Aufgabenautomatisierung und Integrationen bietet Zoho Projects Ihnen höhere Produktivität und Zusammenarbeit.

  9. Learn how to use Zoho Projects, a software that helps you track and manage work, with tutorials on features such as task management, automation, time tracking, issue tracking, and more. Browse through the material to get an in-depth understanding of the product and its benefits.

  10. Zoho Projects è un software di gestione dei progetti basato su cloud che ti permette di pianificare, monitorare e collaborare con il tuo team. Scopri le sue funzioni, le integrazioni, la personalizzazione e la sicurezza per le aziende.