雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年2月6日 · 衞生署今日(二月六日)就銷售兩款分別名為「HOTCHA Botanical Beverage Mix chocolate with Morosil」及「HOTCHA Botanical Beverage Mix Hazelnut Coffee with Morosil」的減肥產品採取行動,該些產品被發現含有未標示受管制及已禁用藥物成分。. 行動中,一名40歲女子涉嫌非法 ...

  2. 2023年4月14日 · The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) wishes to alert members of the public to a press release issued by Alipay Financial Services (HK) Limited relating to fraudulent websites and phishing messages. The relevant stored value facility (SVF) licensee has reported the case to the HKMA.

  3. 金豬報喜!. 「豬」事大吉!. 香港房屋委員會(房委會)轄下商場已換上喜氣洋洋的賀年裝飾,以及預備了連串慶祝活動,與市民共渡新歲。. 在中國傳統文化,豬象徵好運、豐盛與財富。. 房委會於二月十四日(星期四)、十六日(星期六)及十七日(星期日 ...

    • 佳德鳳梨酥1
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  4. BreadTalk Concept Hong Kong Limited (下稱「BreadTalk」) 今日(十月四日)宣布其位於尖沙咀新港中心的分店隆重開幕。. 這個新分店主要提供兩種餐飲服務:「麵包新語」專門售賣多種的麵包、蛋糕、西餅和皮糕點;而「土司工坊」則提供傳統的南洋咖啡和土司,與及 ...

  5. 廣西陶製明器重現古代生活面貌及建築特色(附圖). 南朝時期的牛耙田陶模型,反映了南朝時使用牛耕的情形。. 梧州市博物館藏。. 關閉.

  6. 2024 Honours List and Justices of the Peace appointments. The 2024 Honours List and Justices of the Peace (JPs) appointments are published in the Government Gazette today (July 1). For the Honours List, a total of 502 persons have been awarded by the Chief Executive this year. Details are as follows:

  7. 2018年7月6日 · Addressing the EatSmart School Accreditation Ceremony 2018 and Healthy Eating Forum held today (July 6), the Acting Director of Health, Dr Wong Ka-hing, said that over 260 primary schools, representing about 40 per cent of all primary schools in Hong Kong, had participated in the ESAS since its inception.

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