雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 天前 · 38歲中國女子Yan Ruimin(兗女士)在泰國失蹤多日,泰國警方7月13日表示,發現人體腿部殘骸,懷疑是Yan Ruimin的屍塊。泰國警方表示,32歲的中國安徽 ...

  2. 3 天前 · 泰國警方公布一名38歲中國內地兗姓女子(Yan Ruimin)早前在泰國失蹤後被肢解,34歲姓馬的內地男疑兇懷疑案發後潛逃澳門,又在澳門涉及巨額詐騙 ...

  3. 4 天前 · 再傳中女遊泰遭撕票…疑找到腿殘骸 兇手恐是「自己人」. 受害女子Yan Ruimin和嫌犯Ma Qingyan被監控拍到一起逛街。. (取材自讀特新聞). 一名38歲 ...

  4. 3 天前 · Thai police believe the remains found in Chachoengsao are those of 38-year-old TikTok personality Yan Ruimin. They are searching for a 32-year-old Chinese man who left the kingdom for Hong Kong.

  5. 4 天前 · Thai police have confirmed the discovery of human remains believed to be those of 38-year-old Chinese national Yan Ruimin, who vanished under mysterious circumstances while on a solo trip in Thailand. The case has taken a transnational twist with the flight of a key suspect, Ma Yanqing, to Hong Kong.

  6. 2 天前 · Dismembered body in Thailand: Suspect linked to missing Chinese influencer nabbed Human remains thought to belong to Chinese social media influencer Yan Ruimin were found nearly two weeks after ...

  7. 3 天前 · A 34-year-old murder suspect was arrested in Macau. File photo: RTHK A 34-year-old man, allegedly linked to the suspected murder of a Chinese woman in Thailand, was arrested in Macau. Yan Ruimin ...

  8. 2 天前 · Dead Chinese TikToker case hinges on DNA tests. An image from a security camera shows Chinese TikToker Yan Ruimin checking her phone as she walks along a street in Bangkok on July 1. (Photo ...

  9. 4 天前 · 泰国警方12日通报,38岁中国女子Yan Ruimin(音)失踪多日,根据其朋友Cai Boxuan(音)提供的报案线索,警方从监控中找到了Yan Ruimin最后的踪迹。根据车辆行驶路线排查,警方发现了多处血迹以及Yan Ruimin个人手提包被烧毁后的残留物。

  10. 5 天前 · 根據泰媒報導,38歲中國籍抖音女網紅顏瑞敏(音譯,Yan Ruimin)於6月26日獨自從馬來西亞入境泰國,同月28日至29日與朋友一起前往芭達雅遊玩,一行人30日返回曼谷。 但她7月1日卻獨自一人叫Grab前往素坤逸區,隨後失蹤。 她的朋友當晚直到11時都無法聯絡上該名女子,因此報警,而當時被害人的手機還處於開機狀態。...