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    保障包括個人意外、學業取消、中斷、教育基金、醫療費用及在升學期間前往的消閒旅程等. 保障包括個人意外、教育基金及在升學期間前往的消閒旅程等。


  1. Programme Objectives: to address clinical issues in dementia care and service delivery. to enhance collaborative efforts and holistic care by the multidisciplinary intervention. to strengthen the ethics and clinical assessments in dementia care. to analyse existing research, approaches and applications in the local context.

  2. 9:00am to 5:00pm (Except Public Holidays) Tel: 2636 6323. Fax: 2636 0323. Email: info@jccpa.org.hk. Hotline Service: 2333 2393. Transportation. First NGO in Hong Kong offering one-stop specialised care for people who have dementia. In addition to providing holistic care services and research, we also offer professional training for caregivers ...

  3. JCCPA, dedicated to elevating the care profession, offers training to the family members of those with dementia and caregivers to relieve pressure on them, while maintaining a focus on sharing professional training with industry counterparts. Equipped with a team known for having rich practical experience, professional knowledge and enthusiasm ...

  4. 憑藉團隊豐富的實務經驗、專業知識及對推動優質護理服務的熱枕,我們為香港業界同工開辦各項專業培訓課程,資深團隊更不時為本地及海外機構(如:新加坡、澳門、內地、台灣)提供專業訓練、支援及顧問服務,同時也積極推動公眾教育,讓社會各界對腦退化症有更多認識和關注。 耆智園相信教學相長,在我們培訓業界優秀同工的時候,也能彼此激勵,相互啟發新思維去優化腦退化症護理服務。 認識專業培訓團隊. 腦退化症網上學習平台正式推出! 了解更多. 家屬照顧者 | 學習及支援. 了解更多. 業界同工 | 專業培訓. 了解更多. 學術課程 | 持續進修. 了解更多. 家庭傭工 | 訓練課程 . 了解更多. 企業機構 | 培訓及顧問服務. 了解更多. 公眾教育活動. 了解更多. 腦退化症網上學習平台. 了解更多.

  5. 概覽. 對象. 課程結構. 報名及查詢. 本課程由香港中文大學內科及藥物治療學系主辦、賽馬會耆智園協辦,讓業界同工或有志從事腦退化症護理行業人士,從不同角度深入了解腦退化症,以及認識跨專業介入腦退化症護理的實務應用。 課程目標. 加強腦退化症護理和服務之實務應用. 透過跨專業的介入,提升以人為本照顧. 加強腦退化症照顧的倫理和臨床評估能力. 個案分析、研究方法及應用. 發展腦退化症護理相關的社會服務評估. 修業期. 1年制(兩學期) 2024年9月至2025年4月. 對象. 專業職系之醫護及安老服務同工. (包括:社工、護士、職業治療師、物理治療師等)、有志從事腦退化症護理行業人士. 課程結構. 2024-2025 課程手冊. 媒體訪問. 明報 Jump.

  6. Our Story Philosophy of Care Our Journey Caring for the Dementia Community The Hong Kong Jockey Club has long supported the promotion of positive ageing. Back in 1997, the Club discerned a growing need for holistic and professional care for the elderly impaired by dementia and established the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing (JCCPA).… Continue reading About Us

  7. 2020年9月19日 · Overview Upcoming Previous In our diverse community, as the population ages, there will be a higher number of people with dementia emerging. As their brain functions deteriorate, they will show cognitive impairment, as well as a decline in memory and language abilities. As a good neighbour, wouldn’t you want to know a little more about… Continue reading Public Education