雅虎香港 搜尋

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  2. Summer abroad. XJTLU students can attend any study abroad summer school according to their own study plan. Students can either search for information from XJTLU partner institutions or apply...

    • Study Routes
    • How to Apply
    • Accommodation
    • Tuition Fees
    • Contact

    Students from one of our partner institutions listed below can apply for one semester or one academic year as an exchange student. Please contact the study abroad office at your university for more information about the opportunities available.

    Exchange students should apply through their home institution’s study abroad office. The home university will then nominate students to XJTLU. After receiving the list of nominated students, XJTLU will invite each student to complete an application form. Deadlines for autumn semester start 1. Home university sends nominations to XJTLU: 1 April 2. S...

    Once exchange students have accepted the offer letters, the XJTLU Global team will book accommodation for students. For more information about accommodation.

    Exchange students pay tuition fees as normal to their home institution. (some partners will have separate pay agreement with us, which means student will pay to XJTLU)

    Exchange students should first contact their university’s study abroad office. Additional questions can be addressed to the XJTLU Study Abroad Office at studyabroad@xjtlu.edu.cn.

  3. 学校概况. 愿景与使命. 大事记. 对外合作. 高等教育在中国. 领导队伍. 行政管理服务. 大学政策与规定. 品牌资源. 西浦元宇宙. 出版物. 招贤纳士. 联系我们. 西交利物浦大学(XJTLU,简称西浦”) 是经中国教育部批准由西安交通大学和英国利物浦大学合作创立的具有独立法人资格和鲜明特色的新型国际大学。...

  4. Transfer to the University of Liverpool. On our 2+2 route you will study the first two years of your programme at XJTLU in Suzhou and the final two years at the University of Liverpool in the UK. Students enrolling at XJTLU will receive a discount of 10 percent off University of Liverpool tuition fees should they choose the 2+2 route.

  5. 教学. 海外交流与访学. 暑期课程. 不同的课程有不同的要求和入学流程。 但是请注意,所有夏校项目的学分仅限于项目本身,无法直接转换成在校学分。 西浦合作院校夏校信息详见 英文版网页 。 与此同时,学生也可以选择自行搜索其他感兴趣学校的夏校参加。 暑期课程由相应的海外高校组织,西交利物浦大学未参与其管理。 学生应自行向海外院校提交咨询与申请,并自行组织出境学习之行程、购买旅行与医疗保险。...

  6. 学生可选择西浦与世界名校间的交换项目这类项目面向本科三年级学生通常为期1-2个学期学分可计入西交利物浦大学和利物浦大学学位学分此类交换项目很受欢迎名额有限因此竞争较为激烈。 申请要求: 申请者为西交利物浦大学在读大二学生. 申请者大二上学期平均分60分(百分制)及以上,并在下学期保持该水平. 申请者大一及大二所有课程40分或以上....

  7. 西交利物浦大学作为一所新型国际化大学始终以探索和引领未来教育为使命并一直秉持以学生健康成长为目标以兴趣为导向以学习为中心的育人体系真正把变教知识的大学为改变人的平台。 通过校园开放日,考生和家长可以零距离距离了解西浦的育人理念、办学特色及校园风貌,并为后续的学习规划专业选择奠定良好基础。...

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