雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在寧靜小島來場高爾夫、騎個單車、珊瑚礁間潛水. 遠離購物街的喧鬧和霓虹燈的夜生活,宮古島的寧靜沙灘最適合讓你享受陽光、悠閒放空。. 宮古島上充滿日光浴與凝視大海的行程,為你洗去日常生活的緊繃壓力。. 步行或踩單車探索宮古島,尋找心靈的寧靜 ...

  2. Miyako is located in central Iwate Prefecture, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the east, with the main urban area fronting on Miyako Bay. It is located at the northern end of the rias coastal area of the Sanriku Coast, east of the prefectural capital of Morioka.

  3. Escape to a beach paradise and swim in clear, turquoise waters. Miyako Island is a beach-lover’s paradise of immaculate, white sandy beaches. Only around 50 minutes by air from Naha, Miyako Island is a charming place to let your cares slip away while gazing out at the endless blue sea.

  4. 在寧靜小島來場高爾夫、騎個自行車、珊瑚礁間潛水. 遠離購物街的喧鬧和霓虹燈的夜生活,宮古島的寧靜沙灘最適合讓您享受陽光、悠閒放空。. 宮古島上充滿日光浴與凝視大海的行程,為您洗去日常生活的緊繃壓力。. 步行或騎自行車探索宮古島,尋找心靈的 ...

  5. 關於宮古島. 宮古島是宮古群島中最大的島嶼,位於那霸西南方約300公里處,介於台灣和沖繩本島之間。. 宮古島的面積約159.26平方公里,並非是非常大的島嶼,從島上最遠的兩處岬角——西平安名崎到東平安名崎,開車僅須45分鐘。.

  6. Miyako is known for its beautiful coastline, especially the popular Jodogahama Beach on a scenic peninsula just north of the city center. Tourist facilities around the beach were heavily damaged, but after three years the seaside promenades have been replaced and improved and the sightseeing attractions fully reopened.

  7. 宮古市(日語: 宮古市 / みやこし Miyako shi * /? )是位於日本 岩手縣中部的城市,日本本州最東端的魹崎位於轄區的海岸線 [1]。宮古市是岩手縣內太平洋沿岸人口最多的城市,也是縣內面積最大的城市 [2],在日本全國的市町村中排名第11 [3]。

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