雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.liufangmusic.net › English › biographyLiu Fang: Biography

    Biography. (short version) Born in Kunming (China) in 1974, Liu Fang started learning the pipa (Chinese luete) at the age of 6 and soon began to perform in public as child prodigy, including a performance for the Queen of England during a royal visit to China.

  2. Since 1999, she has performed hundreds of solo concerts featuring Chinese traditional and classical music on her two solo instruments, at such prestigious venues as the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris, the Philharmonic Hall of Liège, Belgium, and the Bath International Music Festival.

  3. 琵琶音樂的過去,現在和未來展望 過去,現在和未來展望 琵琶曲目包括傳統曲目和當代作品。傳統曲目泛指几百年乃至上千年流傳下來的不朽之作, 其原作者多屬匿名,而今天所保留下來的曲目是經過歷代琵琶大師不斷錘煉出來的精品.

  4. Liu Fang transmits in an expressive and erudite way the beauty and grace of Chinese traditional classical music, while drawing out the subtle sonorities of the pipa and the guzheng. Through the power and sensitivity of her playing, she gives renewed interpretations of the ancient repertory, of the poetic as well as the martial styles.

  5. 3. 東方神韻. 標簽:Harmonia Mundi (法國) | 編號:AC016 | 發行:2006. 唱片包括了劉芳演奏的傳統琵琶和古箏獨奏曲六首以及劉芳分別与三名來自不同國度的著名音樂家的二重奏即興演奏五首。. 他們是非洲馬里的巴拉克﹒蘇塑庫(Ballake Sissoko, 非洲豎琴),阿爾及利亞 ...

  6. Chinese pipa and guzheng music from the classical and folkloric traditions and world music.

  7. 她期望將自己有關東方傳統的知識和實踐与西方古典音樂、現代音樂、即興創作相結合,創造嶄新的音樂形式,聯結不同的文化,發掘新的听眾。 2006.08.04: 劉芳最新唱片榮獲法國查理科魯斯獎, 該獎在法國相當于格萊梅(Grammy Award)在美國... “ 抵達靈魂的音樂 ” 琵琶協奏曲 - 琵琶與樂隊 - 音樂 網上試.