雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年4月2日 · 重現昔日風采的雄偉建築 東京站丸之內車站建築物 東京站內有許多電車路線往來穿梭,伴手禮店及便當店林立,更有多不勝數的投幣式置物櫃,宛如一座熱鬧非凡的城市。其外觀為雄偉莊嚴的紅磚建築,搭配鋪上銅瓦的圓形屋頂,於2012年復原1914年當時的面貌。

  2. 2014年2月4日 · 以別稱「芽吹稻荷」而廣為人知的福德神社,不僅擁有1000年以上的歷史,過去更是受到日本武將虔誠信奉。. 近年則因護佑信眾彩券中獎,成為知名的能量景點。. 福德神社位於商業區的日本橋,這裡與周圍熱鬧的氛圍截然不同,散發著獨特氣息,別有風情 ...

    • World-Renowned Architects—Celebrated Structures by Four Japanese Architects
    • Kenzo Tange
    • Kisho Kurokawa
    • Tadao Ando
    • Kengo Kuma

    Let's go on a journey and explore the worlds of Kenzo Tange, Kisho Kurokawa, Tadao Ando, and Kengo Kuma—four internationally acclaimed Japanese architects whose masterly works breathe beauty into the metropolis of Tokyo.

    This distinctive hanging-roof structure was built for the 1964 Olympic Games and can be seen a short walk away from Harajuku Station. Today, it still serves as the stage for many sports events, as well as cultural events like concerts.

    Sekiguchi Catholic Church

    Completed in 1964, this cathedral is comprised of eight shell walls arranged in pairs to form a large cross when seen from above. The shape can also be recognized by looking up at the roof from within. The funeral of Tange himself was held in this interior, which rises to a peak of nearly 40 meters. The building is beautiful enough to look at from the outside, but as long as you're there, the solemn interior is worth a visit, too.

    Opened in 2007, this facility features a striking wavy facade. In addition to hosting exhibitions in its 14,000 m2 space, the largest display space in Japan, it also serves as an arts center with an archive and an educational program. Visitors are recommended to spend some time at the restaurant on the 3rd floor or one of at the cafes on the 1st and 2nd floors, which are designed to take in plenty of natural sunlight. ©The National Art Center, Tokyo

    Made to blend in harmony with the landscape, the building was designed to coincide with the height of the zelkova trees lining the street. An atrium stretching three floors above and below street level cuts through the commercial space, where tenants stand side by side along a gently rising spiral ramp that echoes the slope of Omotesando itself. The raw concrete walls and geometrical forms offer a glimpse of Ando's signature style. Photo by Mitsuo Matsuoka

    With a unique form featuring a roof made of giant steel plates that fold over and slope down to the ground, the building is an embodiment of Ando's wish to show the world that Japan is perpetually exploring new possibilities of design.

    Renovated in 2012, this facility stands out for its exterior combining glass and wood. The first and second floors offer tourist information, and the eighth floor terrace observatory commands a panoramic view of Asakusa with Tokyo Skytree in the distance. The building serves as a symbol of the new Asakusa.

    Ginza Kabukiza

    Rebuilt in 2013, this structure features a 16th-century Japanese-style exterior, and gorgeous interior design. Even visitors who choose not to watch a kabuki performance can enjoy the gallery and shops. Behind it is the 29-floor Kabukiza Tower: the tallest structure in the Ginza district.

  3. 2022年10月19日 · 東京導覽. 東京車站・丸之內. Updated: October 19, 2022. 最近經過精心修復的東京站丸之內車站是東京最令人印象深刻的建築之一,其紅磚外牆與周邊以鋼筋水泥與玻璃帷幕建成的高樓大廈群呈現對比,頗具特色。 東京主要交通樞紐的東京站同時也是新幹線的停靠站,由北至函館、南達福岡,縱橫貫穿日本全國。 除了車站內提供的眾多購物及用餐選擇外,車站附近還有華美氣派的丸之內金融街、從江戶時代的商業中心一路發展至今的日本橋等,都是東京最出色的知名景點。 車站西側為丸之內出口,東側則是八重洲出口,就讓我們走出車站去一探究竟吧! 所有旅客必經的中央車站. 若說東京站是所有旅客的必經之地也不為過。

    • 陳浩德1
    • 陳浩德2
    • 陳浩德3
    • 陳浩德4
  4. 2020年3月27日 · 東京是日本國內擁有最多爵士夜店的城市,新宿的「Pit Inn」及丸之內的「COTTON CLUB」都享負盛名;黑膠酒吧也很受歡迎,例如下北澤的「City Country City」;而澀谷的「Harlem」則是全日本最知名的嘻哈夜店。 若想尋找以室、鐵克諾音樂為主的夜店,建議可前往澀谷的「Oath」(已遷移至TRUMPROOM舊址),這裡週末營業至上午8點。 另外,在新木場最具規模的夜店活動「AgeHa」,每晚都會舉辦類型豐富的音樂饗宴。 以上為您介紹的,還只是東京夜店與現場演奏活動的一小部分而已。 Pit Inn. Cotton Club. City Country City. Harlem. Oath.

  5. 東京康萊德酒店 / 東京旅遊官方網站GO TOKYO. 東京康萊德酒店 コンラッド東京. 東京都港區東新橋1-9-1. Updated: October 6, 2023. 可從東京多個頂級休閒設施中確實排定行程的豪華飯店. 奢華的東京康萊德酒店雖位處東京都心卻坐落於寧靜的汐留中心。 新橋站、高雅的銀座購物區、築地魚市場,還有歷史悠久的歌舞伎座皆位於距離飯店數分鐘內的位置。 飯店內有健身房、法國料理餐廳「Collage」,以及獲獎無數的「China Blue」,多樣化的餐廳是我們引以為傲的特色。 若您希望多體驗日式風情,請試試「風花」,其以融合現代的傳統日本料理為餐桌增添色彩。

  6. 2022年3月9日 · 過去曾經位於豐島區椎名町(現為南長崎)的常磐莊,是手塚治虫等現代漫畫大師們,在此度過年輕歲月的傳奇公寓。 雖然在1982年(昭和57年)12月被拆除,但自2020年(令和2年)7月起,開放成為漫畫博物館。 以博物館作為據點,將漫畫和動畫文化傳承給下一代,並且擔負起傳播至全世界的任務。 共同炊事場/©Forward Stroke inc. 從玄關處爬上軋軋作響的木製樓梯前往2樓,可以看到重現昭和30年代、當時屋齡已有10年的常磐莊場景。 隔著走廊,排列著公用廚房、廁所和漫畫家的房間。 牆壁上的汙漬和放在廚房吃到一半的拉麵碗等,讓人感覺好像活生生的場景,以真實的面貌呈現,成為最值得關注的亮點。 山內喬治的房間(重新呈現)/©Forward Stroke inc.

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