雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 新型傳染病戒備應變級別. 1. 所有訪客進入醫院時必須戴上外科口罩。. 2. 進入醫院及離開醫院或病房前須保持手部衛生。. 3. 如患有發燒、呼吸道不適或肚瀉等病徵,切勿探訪病人。. 4. 如病人被懷疑患上禽流感/中東呼吸綜合症/猴痘(Mpox) 傳染病,病人會被安排 ...

  2. 服务时间:24小时服务. * 如有查询,请以电邮方式或亲临门诊部与我们的职员联络,阁下亦可于门诊部见当值医生,如有需要再作转介。. * 门诊服务预约,请阁下至少提前两天电邮给门诊部。. 查询. opd@sth.org.hk / 2200 3108. (上午8时至晚上8时止) 为免延误,请以 ...

  3. Periodic health screening and physical examination can identify potential health problems and ensure possible prevention or early treatment so as to achieve optimal health. St Teresa’s Hospital provides a wide range of health assessment tests and individual diagnostic tests to accommodate the varying needs of men and women of all ages.

  4. 中心的放射治療機(直線加速器)和電腦設計程式,能提供最精密準確的治療計劃,如三維適型放射治療、調強放射治療 (IMRT)、和立體定向放射治療或放射外科 (X-光刀) ; 目的為要把最大的輻射劑量照射並破壞腫瘤細胞,同時能夠減少損害周圍的健康細胞 ...

  5. The Out-Patient Department (OPD) is located on the ground floor and next to Teresa's Garden, with entrances located at the lobby of East Wing (Day Out-Patient) and South Wing (Night Out-Patient). It provides 24 hours service and is comprised of 35 consultation ...

  6. For pregnant women (except those admitted for delivery) and children under 12 years old, they should not visit patients in the hospital. 6. There should not be more than TWO visitors at each visiting. New Notes to Visitors and Patients

  7. c >请将谈话, 或使用中之视听娱乐器材(如电视机) 之声浪减低, 以免骚扰其他病者。 d >除护士长特许外, 私人家具不得搬进病房。 e >空调开启后, 请勿随意拨动『 调节掣』 或开窗。