雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 英文例句. Every summer, you can hear the cries of the cicada in the park. 每到夏季,公園裡就可以聽到的叫聲。. Cicada is an insect that lives in tropical and subtropical regions. 是一種生活在熱帶及亞熱帶地區的昆蟲。. There are more than 2500 species of cicadas known to mankind. 人類已知的 ...

  2. 常見的東方甜點及西式甜點英文整理. 喜歡吃甜點嗎?. 許多人都喜歡在 下午茶 時段吃一些 甜點 來滿足味蕾,或者是一些姐妹們約在甜點店聊天,其實甜點真的有種 魅力,似乎會 吸引 人,東方人的甜點與西式甜點不太一樣,我們這篇就整理了一些常見的東方 ...

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 東方美人茶英文例句. Oriental Beauty Tea is a highly fragrant, flavorful, and unique oolong tea from Taiwan. 東方美人茶是一種來自台灣的 香氣 濃郁 、 風味 獨特 的 烏龍茶。. The leaves of Oriental Beauty Tea are heavily bitten by tea jassids, which results in a sweet, honey-like taste and a reddish color. 東方 ...

  5. 造型師將模特的頭髮整理成流暢而亮的形象。 The caretaker groomed the horses, ensuring their coats were clean and shiny. 看護人打理馬匹,確保牠們的毛髮乾淨亮。 He meticulously groomed his bonsai tree, shaping it into a work of art. 他精心修剪他的

  6. 他欣賞這位名人在紅毯活動上的流暢亮的髮型。 The hairstylist suggested adding highlights to her hair for a sun-kissed look. 髮型師建議在她的頭髮上添加亮點,以獲得曬太陽的效果。

  7. 紅樹林英文例句. The mangrove forest, also known as the red mangrove, plays a crucial role in protecting coastal ecosystems. 紅樹林,又稱為紅樹,對保護沿海生態系統扮演關鍵角色。. Mangrove trees are commonly found in coastal areas, where they thrive in brackish water. 紅樹林樹木通常生長在沿海地區 ...

  8. smooth. Google 發音. 解釋及平滑的其它英文說法. slick. 平滑英文例句. The surface of the polished marble floor was smooth and shiny. 打磨過的大理石地板表面光滑而亮麗。 The athlete's movements were so smooth and coordinated, it looked like a dance. 這位運動員的動作如此流暢協調,看起來就像在跳舞。 The silk dress felt smooth and soft against her skin. 這件絲綢裙子觸感光滑柔軟,貼服於她的皮膚。

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