雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 星期一上午5時至星期六上午4時59分. 星期六上午8時至下午4時30分. 以下時間除外:1月1日和12月25日全日、12月26日及1月2日凌晨零時零分至上午7時59分或在天文台發出黑色暴雨警告信號或八號颱風信號期間. 滙豐戶口轉賬 - 外幣 美元 /「外幣通」儲蓄存摺戶口 ...

  2. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with online banking 24/7, mortgages, savings, investments, credits cards, loans and insurance.

  3. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings. Beware of apps from sources other than your phone’s official app stores which may contain malware. From ...

  4. 證券及期貨事務監察委員會(「證監會」)已認可滙豐黃金券及滙豐黃金券的銷售文件。. 證監會的認可並不意味官方推薦或認可滙豐黃金券,亦不等於對滙豐黃金券的商業優點或其表現作出保證。. 該認可並不代表滙豐黃金券適合所有投資者,亦不是認許滙豐 ...

  5. Choose from numerous payout structures, such as capital protected and non-capital protected solutions, and a wide range of underlying choices, including equities, FX, commodities and interest rates. Investing in structured products is subject to eligibility and suitability criteria.

  6. 滙豐One. 切勿透過第三方或中介開戶。. 緊記請勿向任何第三方透露您的敏感個人資料,或經中介開立個人戶口。. 如有任何疑問,請與我們的分行聯絡。. 馬上開立滙豐One綜合理財戶口,用更少費用,享受更好的理財服務。. 一個戶口,享受財富管理方案,兼幫你 ...

  7. Step 1. Log on to HSBC HK App and select 'Time Deposit' under 'Your accounts' Step 2. Select the correct 'Time Deposit' under the 'Existing' tab for changing maturity instruction and select 'Change maturity instruction'. Step 3. Turn on or off the 'Auto-renew time deposit' as needed and select the required changes.