在最近接受 TVB 採訪時,店主 Jacob 討論了實驗室培育鑽石和天然鑽石的未來發展趨勢。. 讓我們深入探討一下訪談的要點。. 實驗室培育鑽石與天然鑽石 實驗室培育的鑽石是在受控環境中使用先進技術製造的,複製了天然鑽石的培育過... Ideal 是什麼?. 比GIA證書 ...
Store Location. Opened Time: Monday To Saturday:12:00 - 20:00. Sunday & Public Hotliday: 12:30 - 19:30. 【Causeway Bay】 2001, 20/F, 22 Yee Wo Street, Cause Way Bay, Hong Kong (GET DIRECTIONS) TEL: 6165 7595. 【Tsim Sha Tsui】 206, 2/F, Workingport Commercial Building, 3 Hau Fook ST.,Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (GET DIRECTIONS) TEL:6165 7596.
Brand Establishment. Roselle Jewelry® is a distinguished brand under BRILLIANT INTERNATIONAL (H.K.) GROUP LIMITED. Established in 2009, Roselle Jewelry was co-founded with a former GIA diamond grader to innovate and develop new gemstone materials, branded as "Rz." Driven by the mission to provide every woman with diamond-like perfect gemstones
241 products. 18K White Gold Engagement Rings. 429 products. 18K Yellow Gold Engagement Rings. 418 products. 18K 玫瑰金. 573 products. 18K 白金.
從即日起至4月30日,每購買指定金額的商品,即可享受指定折扣 [1]凡購買指定商品滿HK $ 1,000 / 1,800 / 2,500,將自動扣除HK $ 100/200/300。 [2]凡購買指定產品滿HK $ 3,000,即刻享受15%的折扣,然後獲得永久性VIP [3] VIP折扣:一件商品可享10%的折扣 ...
2019年6月27日 · Roselle Jewelry不需花費更多就能實現你的想要備受呵護的小小嬌俏的女人心。. 網站: https://rosellejewelry.com. 店鋪地址:銅鑼灣怡和街22號2001室(3520 4882). 尖沙咀厚福街3號華博商業大廈2樓206(3705 3154). Roselle Jewelry, RZ人造鑽石. 十個選購Roselle Jewelry的理由 你還在 ...
Typically, abalone is collected in areas such as South Africa, New Zealand, Japan, North America, and Australia, and is roughly 75,000 years old. Abalone jewelry is largely favored because each piece is distinctive, coming in various shapes, styles, forms, cuts, and colors.