雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hong Kong Baptist Hospital (HKBH) Ambulatory Medical Centre is a one-stop day care medical services under HKBH. Conveniently located at the heart of the Kowloon East CBD, it takes just 5-min walk from the Centre to the nearest MTR Station (Exit B6, Ngau Tau Kok Station).

  2. amc.hkbh.org.hk › tc › health-screen身體檢查 | HKBH

    Hong Kong Baptist Hospital (HKBH) Ambulatory Medical Centre is a one-stop day care medical services under HKBH. Conveniently located at the heart of the Kowloon East CBD, it takes just 5-min walk from the Centre to the nearest MTR Station (Exit B6, Ngau Tau Kok Station).

  3. amc.hkbh.org.hk › tc › online-booking網上預約 | HKBH

    Hong Kong Baptist Hospital (HKBH) Ambulatory Medical Centre is a one-stop day care medical services under HKBH. Conveniently located at the heart of the Kowloon East CBD, it takes just 5-min walk from the Centre to the nearest MTR Station (Exit B6, Ngau Tau Kok Station).

  4. 智選健康檢查計劃 (男女適用) 研究顯示,香港人日常承受壓力之大,全球稱冠。. 壓力會增加個人患上心臟病、糖尿病、腸胃問題、甲狀腺紊亂等眾多疾病的風險,定期接受身體檢查,有助及早發現潛藏的健康問題,有助預防心臟病、糖尿、高血壓等慢性病 ...

  5. amc.hkbh.org.hk › tc › service胃鏡檢查 | HKBH

    醫生會將一條幼小、柔軟的內視鏡經口腔導入上消化道,以抽取標本,檢查消化道有否受幽門螺旋菌感染。 若發現異常情況或瘜肉,會進一步抽取組織化驗或進行切除瘜肉手術。

  6. 浸會醫院逾30個專科及輔助醫療單位作後盾。 中 心環境 先進醫療級別的設施,配合以用者為本的特式設計,讓客人於舒適的環境下安心享用具質素保證的服務。

  7. amc.hkbh.org.hk › tc › about-us關於我們 | HKBH

    Hong Kong Baptist Hospital (HKBH) Ambulatory Medical Centre is a one-stop day care medical services under HKBH. Conveniently located at the heart of the Kowloon East CBD, it takes just 5-min walk from the Centre to the nearest MTR Station (Exit B6, Ngau Tau Kok Station).

  8. 你會被安排到休息區,在醫護人員的觀察下卧床休息,直至鎮靜劑藥效消除; 醫生即日講解檢查結果。如醫生曾為病人抽取組織作化驗,報告需時數天備妥。如發現異常,個案將轉介至浸會醫院作進一步跟進;

  9. 一站式服務——於同一樓層專屬區間內接受一站式評估及檢查,更加快捷、省時; 切合所需的健康檢查計劃——因應女性不同階段而設計的體檢服務; 體貼的檢查技術——採用三維乳房造影檢查,減少過程中的不適感;

  10. 我們專業的醫療團隊,會細心分析檢查結果及給予健康建議,全面掌握爸爸媽媽身體狀況,一同規劃未來,繼續樂享天倫。 優惠期至2021年7月31日止;服務地點:香港九龍觀 塘道348號國際貿易中心2樓(港鐵牛頭角站B5出口)

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