雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Entitlement and access to public health care services Elderly Health Care Voucher The Health Care Voucher Pilot Scheme was launched on a pilot basis for a period of three years from 1 January 2009 and was converted to a recurrent programme in 2014. The ...

  2. 公共福利金”的申请人必须已成为香港居民最少七年(在2004年1月1日前已成为香港居民的人士可获豁免符合此居港规定),及在紧接申请日前连续居港最少一年(在该年内如离港不超过56天,亦视为符合连续此居港规定)。

  3. 解雇代通知; 一笔相等于七天工资的款项;以及 任何雇员有权享有之疾病津贴。

  4. 您应查阅保单的条款和细则,翻查保单持有人在生时取回保费的相关条款。 个别寿险保单会在合约期内累积“保证现金价值”,如您终止合约,或合约因受保人达到某一特定年龄而届满,您可一笔过取得这笔现金价值。

  5. s100.hk › tc › topicss100.hk

    而兩種申請都要依照特定的程序進行,詳情可參考長者社區法網文字版。 有效期方面,監護令的有效期,第一次不會超過一年,至於續期或再次續期的監護令,有效期會由續期起計,不超過三年。

  6. Welcome to this website. We have designed it especially for old people in Hong Kong. Here we hope you will find many useful materials explaining the law, and your rights and obligations under the law.

  7. Welcome to this website. We have designed it especially for old people in Hong Kong. Here we hope you will find many useful materials explaining the law, and your rights and obligations under the law.

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