雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Portfolio Finance allows you to meet your general liquidity needs and enhance your investing power by providing you with additional capital to seize investment opportunities as they happen. Borrow against a broad range of collaterals 3. Get additional capital of up to 90% of your initial investment holdings with us.

  2. a) 基本積分: 憑信用卡簽賬每HK$1 (或其外幣之等值)即可獲1積分; b) 網購積分: 每HK $ 1(或其外幣之等值)網上簽賬可獲額外2積分。. 網上簽賬只包括具有正式付款記錄、且根據相關信用卡組織或商戶收單機構之商戶編號或簽賬類別釐定為網上簽賬的交易 ...

  3. 或登入香格里拉會手機應用程式,於「賬戶」內. 選擇「賺取」,再選擇「 Citi積分兌換」. 輸入您的Citi信用卡1最後4位數字以取得一次性密碼作身份驗證2. 選擇您想兌換香格里拉會積分的數量(每日只可兌換一次,上限為. 2,000香格里拉會積分). 兌換成功後,您 ...

  4. They offer the potential for higher return on investment compared to a standard deposit. Ideal for investors looking for portfolio diversification in asset classes, sectors, and geographies. Contact our Investment Service Hotline at (852) 2860 0222 or visit any Citibank branch. Apply now. HIGHLIGHTS.

  5. Citi信用卡現金透支服務 讓您隨時隨地提取現金. 產品資料概要. 如果您突然需要一筆額外現金以應付突如其來嘅開支點算好?. 只要你有Citi信用卡就可以喺全球 任何Citibank或支援相關發卡機構網絡嘅自動櫃員機即時透支現金,助您輕鬆應急 !. 助你隨時提取現金 ...

  6. For claims enquiry, please call Zurich's Customer Services Hotline at (852) 2903 9482. Citibank and its Insurance Underwriter reserve the right to make the final decision on all claims. With Citi Plus Credit card, enjoy 3x points that never expire on online spending with no annual fee. Level up your life and reap the rewards with Citi plus ...

  7. 由淺入深level up您嘅理財知識,等您更有信心入市投資. 投資達人設計一系列「易入口」投資小貼士,從零開始,幫您幾分鐘學識專業理財Concept. 小測驗幫您溫故知新. 完成小挑戰,由銅、銀、、白金級慢慢升上鑽石級,一路升呢掌握理財心得,知自己程度 ...