雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 信用卡. 分享. 信用卡是香港人消費時最常用的付款方式之一,各式各樣的信用卡推廣優惠、點數積分,一不小心就很容易會「使大咗」。. 當收到帳單的時候,相信有人會選擇還Min Pay。. 其實Min Pay利息計算是一個無底深洞,將你不知不覺間捲入債務漩渦。. 今次 ...

  2. 所有人士入境泰國豁免隔離,無需疫苗接種證明,及無需COVID-19抗原快速測試結果。 香港屬於免簽地區,所以無需辦理簽證即可入境。 及早檢查特區護照有效期

  3. 本公司為客戶提供多種還款途徑,包括自動轉賬、繳費靈、銀通 (JETCO)自動櫃員機的「繳費易」、及各大7-11便利店,貼合你所需。.

  4. 信貸查詢紀錄. 如過去 2 年你曾申請信用卡、汽車貸款或樓宇按揭等,而相關金融機構向環聯 TU 就你的信貸作出查詢,短時間內查詢次數過高,會影響評分。 7.

  5. A.I.彈性方案. 利用大數據 3 及財務狀況,A.I. 全自動計算專屬報價。. 只需1秒 4,為你訂造個人化方案,無論你想慳利息、慳時間或降低每期供款額 1,一樣幫到你。. 設有額外資金批核,增加現金流作日常彈性使用及準備不時之需!. 立即申請.

  6. A.I. applies more than 400 million sets of data 1 to calculate a fair, tailor-made quotation in 1 second 2, approving the amount you need instantly 3. Fully automated calculation on your loan interest rate means it only takes 1 second to receive the most suitable loan plan that fits your needs 3.

  7. Loan amount should fall within $5,000 and $1,500,000. 2. Monthly repayment is calculated using an effective rate of 1.99% - 25.00% and is for reference only. WeLend SME Loan offers up to HK$2 million loan size with approval as quick as within the same day, no collateral required and apply with few documents only!