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  1. CFD交易的原則. CFD模擬做多或做空的盈虧. 提供基於真實市場的交易機會, 而不必實際持有資產. 50% Margin. 例如您預計金屬市場價格將快速增長將延續, 欲購買1000股Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX)的股票 (全球最大的銅生產商). 您可以直接通過經紀人購買 和想購買1000股自由港 - 麥克莫蘭銅金公司的(FCX), 是世界上最大的銅生產國. 您可以通過經紀人購買, 支付大部分資金(按照美國聯邦儲備體系的監管規範, 目前在美國最初的保證金為50%), 其餘通過經紀商的信貸, 並支付給經紀商手續費. 2.5% Margin. 相反, 你可以買入1000股FCX的差價合約.

    • 價 Apple

      Apple 交易時間是指投資者可以購買和出售 Apple (#S-AAPL) ...

    • Xauoil

      Xauoil - CFD是什麼 | 差價合約交易 | CFD差價合約 | IFCM

  2. 6 天前 · 在您身邊發現金融市場機遇? 即刻與全球第一差價合約券商 1 交易CFD,無論市場漲跌,皆有交易良機. 立即開始交易。 撥打 +61(3)9860 1782 ( 查看當地免費熱線 )或致函 sales.cn@ig.com 。 中文客戶熱線時間為星期一至星期五新加坡時間早上05:30 – 隔日凌晨02:00。 1974年倫敦成立,富時250成分公司^ 313,000+全球客戶信心之選 17,000+種豐富金融市場. 為何首選我們交易CFD? 高效管理風險. 尊享負餘額保護 2 ,賬戶餘額永不為負. 您需要我就在. 24小時中文專業客服,伴您於IG市場交易時段的週一至週五. 隨時隨地開倉. 領先的網頁、手機平台,戶內戶外,輕鬆交易. 解放您的資金. 低保證金要求,更低成本開倉. 緊貼市場動態.

  3. 差價合約 (CFD) 的英文全稱為Contract for Difference,通過這種形式的交易,您並不會實際擁有相關的基礎資產,而是對其價格的漲跌進行持倉。 我們提供 17,000+市場 的差價合約交易,包括股票、指數、 外匯 、加密貨幣、大宗商品等。 準備好交易差價合約了嗎? 您可以先通過 模擬賬戶 練習交易或直接開設 真實交易賬戶 並開倉交易。 差價合約和差價合約交易的一些主要特徵將在下面更詳細地解釋。 差價合約交易的3個要點. 您可以選擇做多或做空. 當進行差價合約交易時,您是在押注資產價格的漲跌。 如果您認為資產價格會上漲,您將「買入」(做多),如果您認為價格會下跌,您將「賣出」(做空)。 您的預測結果將決定您是盈利還是虧損。

  4. 2022年7月1日 · CFD交易的特點及運作方式是怎樣的? 1. CFD差價合約允許交易者雙向交易,也就是說你不僅可以做多還可以放空。 2. 差價合約CFD是一種保證金交易,為交易者提供槓桿。 3. CFD差價合約投資可以作為一種有效的對沖工具。 4. CFD差價合約交易不是真實的金融資產,因此可以避免繳納印花稅等稅費。 三. CFD詐騙是不是真的? 四. CFD差價合約風險有哪些? 交易者需注意什麼? 五. 差價合約CFD交易如何開始? 六. 差價合約交易示例-以Mitrade交易平台為例. 七. 差價合約CFD交易平台推薦–Mitrade. 八.

    • What Is A Contract For Differences (CFD)?
    • How Contracts For Differences (Cfds) Work
    • Countries Where You Can Trade CFDs
    • The Costs of Trading CFDs
    • Advantages of CFDs
    • Disadvantages of CFDs
    • Example of A CFD Trade
    • The Bottom Line

    A contract for differences (CFD) is a contract between a buyer and a seller that stipulates that the buyer must pay the seller the difference between the current value of an asset and its value at contract time. CFDs allow traders and investors an opportunity to profit from price movement without owning the underlying assets. The value of a CFD doe...

    A contract for differences (CFD) is an agreement between an investor and a CFD broker to exchange the difference in the value of a financial product (securities or derivatives) between the time the contract opens and closes. It is an advanced trading strategy that is utilized by experienced traders only. There is no delivery of physical goods or se...

    CFDs are not allowed in the United States. They are allowed in listed, over-the-counter (OTC)markets in many major trading countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, Spain, France, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Thailand, Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands, as well as the Hong ...

    The costs of trading CFDs include a commission (in some cases), a financing cost (in certain situations), and the spread—the difference between the bid price (purchase price) and the offer price at the time you trade. There is usually no commission for trading forex pairs and commodities; however, brokers typically charge a commission for stocks. F...

    Higher Leverage

    CFDs provide higher leverage than traditional trading. Standard leverage in the CFD market is subject to regulation. It once was as low as a 2% maintenance margin(50:1 leverage) but is now limited to a range of 3% (30:1 leverage) and could go up to 50% (2:1 leverage). Lower margin requirements mean less capital outlay for the trader and greater potential returns; however, increased leverage can also magnify a trader’s losses.

    Global Market Access from One Platform

    Many CFD brokers offer products in all of the world’s major markets, allowing around-the-clock access. Investors can trade CFDs on a wide range of worldwide markets.

    No Shorting Rules or Borrowing Stock

    Certain markets have rules that prohibit shorting, require the trader to borrow the instrument before selling short, or have different margin requirements for short and long positions. CFD instruments can be shorted at any time without borrowing costs because the trader doesn’t own the underlying asset.

    Traders Pay the Spread

    While CFDs offer an attractive alternative to traditional markets, they also present potential pitfalls. For one, having to pay the spread on entries and exits eliminates the potential to profit from small moves. The spread also decreases winning trades by a small amount compared to the underlying security and will increase losses by a small amount. So, while traditional markets expose the trader to fees, regulations, commissions, and higher capital requirements, CFDs trim traders’ profits th...

    Weak Industry Regulation

    The CFD industry is not highly regulated. A CFD broker’s credibility is based on reputation, longevity, and financial position rather than government standing or liquidity. There are excellent CFD brokers, but it’s important to investigate a broker’s backgroundbefore opening an account.


    CFD trading is fast-moving and requires close monitoring. As a result, traders should be aware of the significant risks when trading CFDs. There are liquidity risks and margins that you need to maintain; if you cannot cover reductions in values, then your provider may close your position, and you’ll have to meet the loss no matter what subsequently happens to the underlying asset. Leverage risks expose you to greater potential profits but also greater potential losses. While stop-loss limits...

    Suppose that a stock has an ask priceof $25.26 and the trader buys 100 shares. The cost of the transaction is $2,526 (plus any commission and fees). This trade requires at least $1,263 in free cash at a traditional broker in a 50% margin account, while a CFD broker requires just a 5% margin, or $126.30. A CFD trade will show a loss equal to the siz...

    Advantages to CFD trading include lower margin requirements, easy access to global markets, no shorting or day trading rules, and little or no fees. However, high leverage magnifies losses when they occur, and having to pay a spread to enter and exit positions can be costly when large price movements do not occur. Indeed, the European Securities an...

  5. 2022年7月6日 · Why Trade CFDs. CFDs offer unique advantages, such as the ability to make potential returns from both rising and falling prices, leverage your position, hedging capabilities, and access to a wide range of markets through derivatives. Trade Long or Short. CFDs offer the flexibility for traders to profit from both rising and falling markets.

  6. Contract for Difference (CFD) trading is a financial derivative that allows traders to speculate on the price movements of various financial instruments without actually owning the...

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