雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年6月28日 · Three years ago, the illustrator Shinji Tsuchimochi embarked on an ambitious project. Following in the footsteps of ukiyo-e artist Hiroshige who created One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, Tsuchimochi began illustrating 100 Views of Tokyo. As of July 2016, he's completed his 100th view, effectively bringing closure to his project.

  2. 2020年1月20日 · 近年,在廣島的生口島有一個網紅打卡熱點,由各種奇石堆疊而成的藝術秘境「未來心之丘」,丘上的獨特景色屬鄰近地區罕有,「希臘風大理石城」、「日版愛琴海」、「無瑕聖地」等等的美稱層出不窮,也難怪交通儘管不便卻仍有大量旅客慕名而來。走進這潔白無瑕的浪漫國度,的確讓人感受到 ...

  3. 2023年1月5日 · 当然还有许多适合作为礼品赠送的日本特产。. 比如提到日本就一定会提及的 漆器 (japan)、近年来非常流行的倒入冷饮就 会变色的樱花玻璃杯 、以及 日本武士甲胄人偶 等等。. 精致又带有美好祝愿的小礼物,不仅是日本旅行的最佳纪念品、更是联络亲朋好友 ...

  4. 2016年12月1日 · Filmmaker Hikaru Toda is working on an intriguing documentary about Fumi & Kazu, who run the first openly gay law firm in Japan. Passionate about justice, the lawyers “know all too well the realities of being different in a homogenous society.”. And while the documentary revolves around the duo, like any legal matter the story is in their ...

  5. 2020年1月17日 · Ochazuke is simply pouring hot tea, broth, or even water over cooked rice in order to revive the rice and create a new, unique flavor and texture that can be even more delicious than the original. In fact, chain restaurant Dashi Chazuke En dedicates its menu to spreading the warm, cozy, umami deliciousness of ochazuke (with fresh rice).

  6. 2020年1月24日 · While beckoning cat statues are usually holding a gold koban coin which represents the attainment of wealth, Gotokuji maneki neko aren't holding anything—because they believe that while a cat may beckon luck, it is up to you to capture it. Location: 2 Chome-24-7 Gotokuji, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0021.

  7. Miyuki Seguchi returned to her home region of central Japan after spending some time in the UK and Tokyo and travelling around many parts of the world. She loves learning about the best of Japan from locals directly and discovering Japan’s regional characteristics. She helps inbound travellers create their unique travel experience in Japan ...