雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年10月17日 · 產品網頁. 備注. 保險業監管局(「保監局」)的認證並不代表其對任何合資格延期年金保單作出認可或推薦,亦並未對合資格延期年金保單的商業價值或其表現作出保證。. 保監局對該等保單的銷售文件的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明 ...

  2. 2024年11月1日 · 賣出價 5.908. 更新日期 ( 2024-11-01) * 以港元繳交美元保單的首期保費及保費徵費,請參考「賣出價」。. 請留意,美元保單以港元繳交其他費用 (包括但不限於續期保費及保費徵費、償還保單貸款)應以相關通知書上的金額或從本公司獲取的報價為準。. 備註: 「以上 ...

  3. 2024年10月25日 · Subscribe to unlock this document and more. Life annuity. Present value of life annuity - immediate annuity Immediate annuity: an annuity in which payments commence one year after the purchase Jane, who just had her 60 th birthday, wants to purchase a life immediate annuity that pays $120,000 each year.

  4. 2024年10月25日 · China's financial landscape is undergoing a significant shift as the National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA) has unveiled a new policy direction for commercial annuities. The announcement, made in a notice dated 22 October, signals a commitment to invigorate this sector and position it as a key pillar in the country's financial market.

  5. 2024年10月20日 · China on Friday rolled out a detailed implementation plan for private pensions, following the release of a guideline on pushing forward the development of private pensions to complement the nation's current pension system in April.

  6. 2024年10月24日 · China will vigorously promote the development of commercial insurance annuities, the National Financial Regulatory Administration said in a circular on Wednesday.

  7. 2024年10月30日 · Analysts at AXA IM briefly summarises the pillars of China's pension system. A combination of proper pension reforms, better allocation of state and private-sector assets, and greater utilization of new technologies can help China to defuse the demographic bomb and mitigate the ageing shock for its economy and society.