雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年1月26日 · Jobs in Japan may look a little messy, but beneath the surface you'll find a treasure trove of job findings that you probably won't find on the other sites on this list. A quick perusal of Jobs in Japan shows unusual job openings, such as for football coaches, outdoor guides and product testers.

  2. 2021年4月8日 · 在日本找工作分几步? 就职活动分为几大块步骤,其实无论在哪里找工作都很有借鉴价值。 1.自我分析. 2.行业/企业研究. 3.个人简介&应聘理由. 4.投简历(Entersheet) 5.笔试面试. 6.拿到offer. 1.自我分析. 比起盲目投简历找工作,日本提倡 先对自己进行剖析 的流程做法就显得非常科学。 所谓的自我分析,指的是通过自己学生时代的专业和一些社会实习、打工等的经历,来综合评价自己的优势和缺陷,来更好的定位适合自己的工作类型。 这其实是一个更深入了解自己和“自察”的一个过程。 在这个环节上,日本的很多专业求职网站会提供一些辅助的测试题目来帮你更好的了解自己。 比如性格诊断测试、优点缺点测试、周围朋友可以帮忙填写的“他人眼中的你”测试等等。

  3. 2021年4月8日 · 在這個環節上,日本的很多專業求職網站會提供一些輔助的測試題目來幫你更好的了解自己。比如性格診斷測試、優點缺點測試、周圍朋友可以幫忙填寫的「他人眼中的你」測試等等。像是job.rikunabi.com、job.mynavi.jp等針對應屆生的求職網站都提供有相關的

  4. 2019年3月18日 · Online job listing sites like GaijinPot were super helpful, and of course doing a bit of networking where possible tends to open up new doors to opportunity. What are the good parts of working in Japan?

  5. 2017年10月16日 · Landing a teaching job in Japan isn't particularly difficult. In most cases, you'll get hired without ever stepping foot into the country, provided you have a bachelor's degree, proven English competency, and don't completely blow the interview.

  6. 2018年8月17日 · For many, freelance language teaching jobs are the cream of the crop, offering flexibility and comfort unlike any other. But finding students can be a challenge without the right resources. Here are five solid options to get you started!

  7. 2017年10月16日 · First you need to access the Lawson website, which, as you'd expect, has a dedicated employment page. Now, you'll see the first hurdle on the website: it's all in Japanese. You'll be working just like any other member of staff, and that means being able to function in Japanese and offer service to Japanese customers.

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