雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 提供運行路線圖、票價的計算方式、車票種類、月票以及景點指南等資訊,方便乘車出行。.

  2. Improving Marketing Functions. In order to provide services that can accurately address a diversifying set of passenger demands, we will use the data held by the Tokyo Metro Group to help improve our marketing functions. Survey-based research of Metro Point Club members. Scheduled to begin in FY2020.

  3. 2012年4月21日 · Tokyo Metro's official website. You can view convenient information such as subway map, fares, discount tickets, passes, popular attractions along Tokyo Metro lines, etc. for getting around Tokyo.

  4. Creating Better Transportation Services. Seven of Tokyo Metro's nine lines offer through-services with lines operated by other railway companies.

  5. 東京Metro地鐵車票資訊。 提供票價的計算方式、換乘路線、車票種類以及月票等資訊。

  6. www.tokyometro.jp › lang_tcn › index東京地鐵線

    訪日外籍旅客用APP「Tokyo Metro For Tourists」上線!. 2024年3月28日. 在2024年5月11日(週六)~5月12日(週日)的兩天期間,東西線(東陽町~西葛西站區間)停運當天的運行計劃通知. 2023年3月29日. Tokyo Metro will introduce the REFMa (Railway Electrical Facilities Maintenance Management ...

  7. 提供运行路线图、票价的计算方式、车票种类、月票以及景点指南等信息,方便乘车出行。.