雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Search on AIA web portal. Access to "Health and Claim" to search for doctors. Contact customer hotline. Contact us to make an appointment with a specialist in our network. Click here to download AIA Connect. Features and benefits of our doctors and hospitals. Medical expense pre-approval service. Credit Facility Service.

  2. MPF products & services | AIA Hong Kong. Our products. We provide a broad range of MPF products and fund choices, as well as a comprehensive range of voluntary solutions to cater to your unique retirement needs. Our funds. Our diverse range of funds covers a wide spectrum of risks for selection. AIA MPF personal account.

  3. 本網站使用cookies以提升閣下的用戶體驗。閣下可在本公司的 Cookie政策聲明 及 私隱政策聲明 中了解更多關於本公司收集cookies的類型、本公司如何使用此等cookies,以及如何管理閣下的cookies設定的資訊。

  4. ESG是什麼? 拆解ESG概念的發展及影響力. 8 分鐘閱讀. ESG中文名為「永續投資」,意思是「Environmental (環保)」、「Social (社會)」及「Governance (公司管治)」,在近年被越來越多機構納入經營原則和投資框架。 到底ESG是什麼? ESG如何為企業及投資者創造價值? 本文立即為你釐清ESG概念。 ESG是什麼? 近年來,ESG的概念大受投資者歡迎,甚至成為不少人人士挑選股票的重要指標。 ESG代表了一間企業在履行社會責任時,最應側重的三大方向,而三個英文字母分別是環境保護 (E,Environmental)、社會責任 (S,Social) 以及公司管治 (G,Governance) 的縮寫,是一種新型態評估企業的數據與指標。

  5. 產品簡介. 產品特點. 以大灣區 1 為核心的醫療網絡門診保障. 計劃的門診保障涵蓋兩種方式的普通科醫生診症,覆蓋香港、澳門以至指定內地大灣區城市 2. 普通科醫生面對面診症連即時藥物. 您可選擇普通科醫生面對面診症服務,應診後即時獲得藥物. 方便快捷的普通科醫生網上診症連藥物送遞 3. 您可選擇一站式從預約、就診到藥物送遞的普通科醫生網上診症,藥物最快可於同日直接送到府上 3. 於大灣區城市接通無縫及一致的門診服務. 透過優質醫療網絡,無論您身在家中或暢遊大灣區,您都可安心於大灣區城市享有無縫及一致的門診服務. 增值服務 (計劃2專享) 您可享有每保單年度無限次額外普通科醫生網上診症 (不包括藥物) 4 及1次指定基本身體檢查服務 4. 申請手續簡單,受保人投保年齡最高為75歲.

  6. 2020年11月19日 · The Hong Kong Observation Wheel AR App gives visitors the opportunity to see Hong Kong from three perspectives: Beyond the Beginning (1890-1920); City in Transition (1960-1980); and Present Day. The iconic Hong Kong Observation Wheel and AIA Vitality Park have launched the Hong Kong Observation Wheel AR App, which elevates the visitor ...

  7. WELCOME TO AIA. Thank you for choosing us to look after your insurance and wellness needs now and in the future. We look forward to our journey together. Let's get started. Login to aia connect. (Also Login to Customer Corner, Employee Benefits, MPF / ORSO / Macau Pension and AIA Vitality website) Login. New User Registration. LogIn Unavailable.

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