雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 在整個亞洲莎莎目前共擁有超過190間“一站式”化妝品專門店。 如果你去像是旺角,銅鑼灣或者中環這樣的鬧市購物區,你會發現所有的店好像都在同一條街上。 尤其是旺角,幾乎一眼望去,到處都是莎莎。 莎莎化妝品店. 由於香港地方狹窄,店鋪租金很高,所以你去逛這些化妝品店的時候做好會很擁擠的心理準備。 因為店裡一定會物盡其用的用盡所有可以擺放東西的地方來堆放商品。 貨架之間的空間一般都非常狹窄,只能夠讓一個人通過。 不要拿著大包小包進入店內購物,你會覺得非常的不方便。 因為產品種類太多,有時候你會為了找到自己需要的商品而頭痛。 這時候不妨詢問一下店員,雖然她們的普通話很一般,但是大部分店員都是比較熱情的。 盡量清楚你要購買甚麼產品,不要盡信店員的推薦。 下面是我們對需要購物的你一點小小的提示。

  2. 莎莎化妆品店. 莎莎 是香港化妆品连锁店的大哥大,莎莎的店遍布几乎所有的商场和购物区。 除了香港,莎莎在国内,澳门,马来西亚和新加坡都开有分店,经营多达400种品牌的化妆品和相关产品。 在整个亚洲莎莎目前共拥有超过190间“一站式”化妆品专门店。 如果你去像是旺角,铜锣湾或者中环这样的闹市购物区,你会发现所有的店好像都在同一条街上。 尤其是旺角,几乎一眼望去,到处都是莎莎。 莎莎化妆品店. 由于香港地方狭窄,店铺租金很高,所以你去逛这些化妆品店的时候做好会很拥挤的心理准备。 因为店里一定会物尽其用的用尽所有可以摆放东西的地方来堆放商品。 货架之间的空间一般都非常狭窄,只能够让一个人通过。 不要拿着大包小包进入店内购物,你会觉得非常的不方便。

  3. 提到香港,讓人首先聯想到的就是購物和美食。. 香港被譽為購物天堂,在這裡你可以輕而易舉的找到各大國際品牌的產品。. 而且由於香港是一個免購物稅的地方,這裡的價錢也有相當的競爭力。. 無論你是心儀化妝品,電子產品,珠寶首飾,時裝還是玩具 ...

  4. For cosmetics shoppers there is also SaSa Cosmetics and Colourmix store inside this mid-ranged shopping mall. In the basement, you can find G.O.D., Food Republic and a games amusement zone. Altogether, the Silvercord mall offers a good variety of tenants on more than 250,000 square feet and is worth to have a closer look.

    • What Is The Ladies Market?
    • Highlights of The Ladies Market
    • What Can You Buy at The Ladies Market?
    • Prices and Bargaining Skills
    • Is It Worthwhile to Visit This Street Market?
    • What Are The Opening Hours and When Is It The Best Time to visit?
    • Where Is The Exact Location and How to Get to Ladies Market?
    • The History of Hong Kong Ladies Market

    Hong Kong Ladies Market is one of the most famous and popular street markets and as an example of the typical local street market. It stretches 1km on Tung Choi Street with over 100 outdoor stalls. Also known as the Women’s Street, it is ranked on top of many bucket and must-do attraction lists. Don’t be misled by its name. It actually offers a wid...

    There is something for everyone on this street market. From cheap clothing, fashion trends and bargains to inexpensive accessories, typical souvenirs or latest gadgets, you will find a lot of options here. Where else can you explore the local culture while enjoying affordable shopping and sampling some local street food delicacies along the way? Go...

    There are all kinds of products ranging from cell phone accessories to toys, shoes, handbags, belts and tourist souvenirs on Ladies Market. No matter you want to pick up the mandatory ‘I love Hong Kong’ or ‘I got lost in HK’ T-Shirt, or magnets and key chains in every form and shape, here you will find something.

    Bargaining is a must

    Shopping at the Ladies Market needs good bargaining skills. Most of the items hardly will have price tags. Prices are more of an idea than fixed. Make sure to bargain with the sellers. Even if they have a sign with “no bargaining”. Be aware that the prices are seen more as a suggestion and it is expected to negotiate the final price. In case you don’t know how to bargain, the Ladies Market is a great place to practice, rehearse and learn.

    Pay with cash and credit card

    Besides HKD, many other foreign currencies are also accepted. Some stalls also take credit card payment with purchasing upon HK$ 300. Go Back to Top

    Shopping at the Ladies Market is like a one-stop shopping solution. It is one of the best places to buy typical travel souvenirs for friends and family. So, in case you are looking for some inexpensive gifts (such as e.g. magnets, key chains, T-Shirts, cups, chopsticks, lucky charms or cell phone cases), this is the place. Even if you are not inten...

    Opening hour

    Although there are no “official” opening hours, most of the stalls will open for business around noontime and will last till late at night (10:00 pm – 11:00 pm). The actual closing time can vary depending on how busy the stalls are. Usually the majority of the owners will start to build up their stalls around 9:30am – 10:00am. The nearby streets are closed for public traffic from 4:00 pm until 12:00 am (midnight) from Monday to Saturday as well as from 12:00 pm (noon) to 12:00 am (midnight) o...

    Best time to visit

    However, the best time to visit Ladies Market is in the early afternoon and evening hours (usually between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm). That’s about the time when the street market just comes alive and is not too crowded yet. If you stay till late, there are plenty of restaurants and street food vendors along this street market for grabbing some midnight snacks. In the evening hours and especially on weekends, this place gets quite crowded. It is a fun place to experience the atmosphere of haggling...

    Ladies Market is located on Tung Choi Street, the part between Argyle Street and Dundas Street in Mongkok. It is parallel to Sai Yeung hoi Street which is famous as Electronic Street and to Fa Yuen Street as Sneakers Street. Mongkok is the center of Kowloon area. One end of Ladies Market adjacent to Argyle Street is close to MTR Mongkok station Exi...

    This street market is better known under the original street name Tung Choi Street among locals. Taking a look at the busy streets of Mongkok, it is hard to imagine that here was once an area of market gardens. Nowadays, only the street name Tung Choi Street still reflects its heritage, which literally translates into Water Spinach Street. The city...

  5. There are a large number of cosmetics stores like SaSa, Bonjour, Colormix within walking distance. Shopping malls Langham Place and Grand Century Place both locate in the centre of Mongkok and You will be able to find electronics, beauty, fashion items or the latest sport gear and toys there.

  6. 香港的化妝品連鎖店SasaBonjour等也開始有以Hello Kitty為主題的化妝美容產品出售,包括沐浴露,護手霜,香皂,睫毛膏,以及一些化妝小工具。 很多產品是歐洲進口的,例如一些是Made in Germany的。

  1. kiehl's 淡斑精華 sasa 相關

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