雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. As our most distinguished and exquisite timepiece collection, ORIENT STAR has always provided exceptional quality, craftsmanship and elegant simplicity since 1951.

  2. 東方之星(ORIENT STAR)是 ORIENT 的高階手錶系列。 ORIENT STAR手錶在機芯﹑錶殼和錶帶都經歷日本工匠手工打磨。 本店為ORIENT STAR東方之星在 香港的官方行貨授權零售商,出售之手錶為香港行貨,2年保養。

  3. Orient Star - 東方之星. 自1951年以來,ORIENT STAR一直是日本其中一個最卓越且精緻的腕錶品牌,每款型號都提供卓越的品質、工藝和優雅的簡約。. 每個系列都擁有堅實的技術支持和多樣化的設計。.

  4. 東方之星 M系列 – Orientwatchtaiwan. M系列融合了希臘神話、星雲以及星團等元素,不僅專為腕錶愛好者所打造,同時也為追求高品質腕錶的用戶提供了全新的選擇。. M45昴宿星團,是日本自古以來深受喜愛和熟悉的星團,此系列錶款可為正式場合增添光彩,如同 ...

  5. From the beginning, we have pursued a single mission: To offer high-quality, attainable timepieces with enduring style. Our heritage is rooted in craftsmanship, reliability, precision and beauty that stand the test of time.

  6. with ORIENT STAR is the official online store for Orient Star. We are dedicated to standing by our customers, serving as their lifelong partners in the enjoyment of watches. To ensure this, we have prepared a range of services and content to cater to their needs and enhance your experience.

  7. OrientWatch東方錶鑄造時間永恆的價值,我們堅信好的腕錶將永不過時,百年來日本一代代匠師手中不斷創新。 這些獨具特色的日製手錶,融合了傳統的日系匠人工藝,並且透過內部的產製系統打造出高品質機械機芯與原創設計,持續在日本和世界各地提供獨特的機械錶款。 不論入門至高階,皆能在東方找尋到合適的腕錶。

  8. オリエントスターには、 輝ける星 と呼ばれる機械式時計を作りたい、そんな職人たちの願いが込められています。.

  9. ORIENT STAR Classic Collection. With beautifully finished movement and detailed design, the collections possess plenty of elegance and flair. And while some may appear simple by nature, the details are truly what give them character. Reset Filters. Filter Your Products. Sort by: Showing 1-30 of 56. Page 1 of 2.

  10. Orient Star系列可以說是東方錶(Orient Watch)的高級副線,無論生產要求、機芯打磨,機殼造工、設計定位都比一般的東方錶(Orient Watch)更高格調,適合對日本製錶工藝有較高要求的使用者。

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