雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. vocational training council 相關

  2. 校園參觀、體驗活動、升學講座及課程諮詢,搜羅最新課程資訊。歡迎學生及家長網上登記參加。 DSE考生必聽:11月9日文憑試考生升學貼士講座,VTC升學專家分享課程特色及多元升學路。


  1. Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. VTC provides valuable credentials for students through a full range of pre-employment and in-service programmes with internationally recognised qualifications.

  2. 職業訓練局. VTC職業專才教育提供完善升學途徑,靈活貫通學士學位、高級文憑及文憑課程,培育年輕人成為技術型專才,配合未來發展趨勢。 了解更多. 機構成員. 職業訓練局 (VTC)是香港最具規模的職業專才教育機構。 為學生提供全面的職前和在職訓練,頒發國際認可的學歷資格。

  3. 職業訓練局(英語: Vocational Training Council,簡稱 VTC)是香港提供專業教育及技能培訓與發展的法定機構,於1982年由香港政府成立,接管以往由教育署管理的職業專才教育工作。

  4. The Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational education, training and professional development group in Hong Kong. Established in 1982, the VTC provides credentials for some 250,000 students each year through a full range of pre-employment and in-service programmes with internationally recognised qualifications.

  5. 2021年1月12日 · Vocational Training Council (VTC) is a statutory body established under VTC Ordinance (Cap. 1130) in 1982 with a mission to provide a comprehensive vocational and professional education and training (VPET) system to suit the needs of Hong Kong.

  6. 职业训练局 (VTC)是香港最具规模的职业专才教育机构。 为学生提供全面的职前和在职训练,颁发国际认可的学历资格。

  7. www.youthcollege.edu.hk › html › tc職業訓練局 << VTC

    職業訓練局 (VTC)是香港最具規模的職業專才教育機構。 每年為約25萬名學生提供全面的職前和在職訓練,頒發國際認可的學歷資格。

  8. Vocational Training Council (VTC) The VTC provides a full range of pre-employment and in-service programmes with internationally recognised qualifications through its member institutions. Check out the VTC's website for more information.

  9. www.youthcollege.edu.hk › html › enHome << VTC

    Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. VTC provides valuable credentials for some 250 000 students each year through a full range of pre-employment and in-service programmes with internationally recognised qualifications.

  10. Vocational Training Council (VTC) (職業訓練局) was established in February 1982 under the Vocational Training Council Ordinance to promote vocational and professional education and training in Hong Kong [1].

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