雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 宣傳及推廣

  2. 勞工處提供免費的求職和招聘服務,包括就業中心、電話就業服務中心、職位空缺處理中心及互動就業服務網站。求職人士和僱主可透過不同的途徑搜尋和申請合適的工作,並獲得就業諮詢和培訓課程的資訊。

  3. The Labour Department provides information and services on employment, occupational safety and health, and labour relations in Hong Kong. Find out the latest news, legislation, policies, and events related to labour issues.

  4. 本網頁介紹勞工處提供的各種就業服務,包括青年就業、就業、補充勞工、展能就業、職業介紹所等。網頁還提供就業計劃一覽表、公用表格、相關網址等資訊。

  5. Learn about the four key areas of work of the Labour Department in Hong Kong: Employment Services, Labour Relations, Safety and Health at Work, and Employee Rights and Benefits. Find out the objectives, services and information available for each area.

  6. 本網頁提供勞工處的聯絡方式,包括電話、電郵、傳真、郵寄等,以及各種勞工法例及服務的查詢、投訴、職位空缺等資訊。網頁內容與查詢「labour department」相關,但不提供其他國家或地區的勞工處資訊。

  7. Learn about the vision, mission, performance, organisation and policies of the Labour Department in Hong Kong. Find out how it promotes racial equality, provides labour market information and supports workers' rights.

  8. www.labour.gov.hk › tc › service就業科 - 勞工處


  9. Find out how to contact the Labour Department for comments, enquiries and complaints, or access its service desk and feedback form. The Labour Department provides public services on employment, labour relations, occupational safety and health, and labour legislation in Hong Kong.

  10. 本網頁提供勞資關係科各分區辦事處的地址、辦公時間及聯絡方式。勞資關係科負責處理勞工法例、勞資關係、職業安全與健康及僱員權益及福利等事項。

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