主办单位:上海市人民政府办公厅. 地址:上海市黄浦区人民大道200号. 邮编:200003. 联系电话:021-23111111. 上海政务服务总客服:021-12345. 沪ICP备2021016245号-1. 沪公网安备 31010102004544号. 政府网站标识码:3100000044. 为确保最佳浏览效果,建议您使用以下浏览器版本 ...
The website serves as a one-stop platform for expats, offering extensive information on doing business, working, traveling, studying, shopping, and living in Shanghai.
Where is Shanghai located?
What is Shanghai expat website?
Is Shanghai a digital city?
表A.7上海市人民政府及其组成部门和相关组织机构名称英文译法. 序号. 中文. 英文. 1. 上海市人民政府. Shanghai Municipal People's Government. 2.
Stay informed on the latest policies from Shanghai's government. From economic development to social governance, this section covers important regulations that impact the city's growth and provide essential guidelines for residents and businesses.
2023年12月12日 · Shanghai, a municipality directly under the central government of China, is a modern international metropolis with a spirit of inclusiveness, pursuit of excellence, broad-mindedness, and humility.
A complete list of the departments and their functions of the Shanghai Government.
位於上海人民广场的人民大厦是中共上海市委、上海市人大常委会、上海市人民政府辦公地點之一。 1955年至1995年市府驻地: 上海外滩 原 滙豐銀行大樓