雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 這裡是香港欣賞 山頂 美景最受歡迎的觀景地點之一不僅僅是因為這裡的高度可以讓你視野無阻,同時360度全方位開放式的觀景台,讓你可以飽覽香港港島繁華的都市景致在凌霄閣摩天台428的一側,香港維港,中國銀行,匯豐銀行這些摩天大廈一覽無余;而在摩 大嶼

  2. 充滿香港風味的灣仔天星碼頭從1968年開始投入使用,已經陪著香港人走過了46年的風雨這46年里周圍的一切都變了維港變窄了,維港沿岸多出一排摩天大廈(匯豐大廈,中銀大廈,中環大廈這些全部都是20世紀80年代後建的),左手邊的香港會展中心也是為97回歸而

  3. First LINE Friends Store opened in Hysan Place in Hong Kong’s popular shopping district Causeway Bay with exclusive merchandises.

  4. 香港著名的“ 幻彩詠香江 ”從10月4日至10月6日將暫停三日,以悼念在10月1日南丫島撞船事件中的遇難者。 10月1日晚8時23分左右,香港南丫島榕樹灣海面發生撞船意外。一艘由香港電燈集團有限公司租賃的接載公司員工及家屬觀賞10月1日煙花匯演的船舶同一艘由港九小輪控股有限公司的輪渡相撞。

  5. Shanghai Tang has two factory outlet stores which are both located at the Sky Plaza Hong Kong International Airport (Terminal 2).

  6. The famous Star Ferry is not only popular attraction, it's a must-go for tourists. Touring and crossing Victoria Harbour on one of the historic Star Ferries is an unforgettable experience you should not miss. Enjoy stunning day and night views of Hong Kong's skyline. We provide you everything you need to know starting from how to get to Star Ferry Pier in Tsim Sha Tsui or Central and where to ...

  7. At Goldfish Market you can not only have a visual feast of colourful goldfish and aquatic creatures, but also experience true Hong Kong local lifestyle. As one of the best Hong Kong street market, it offers aquarium accessories & fishes in all sizes, shapes and