雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Leave Passages. Leave passage benefits are normally provided to directorate officers in the form of a Leave Passage Allowance. Details of the leave passage benefits for civil servants provided before and after the introduction of the new fringe benefits package on 1 June 2000 are summarised below:

  2. 令自己處於下列境況:令人有理由懷疑自己不誠實,或利用公職為自己、家人或親友謀求利益。. 當局有清晰 指引,規定公務員必須時刻保持警覺,避免任何實際上或表面上有利益衝突情況。. 如果出現這些情況,必須立即向上司報告。. 盡忠職守 服務市民 ...

  3. 2023年11月30日 · The Surviving Spouses' and Children's Pensions Scheme, formerly known as Widows' and Children's Pensions Scheme, is a contributory scheme which provides pension benefits to the surviving spouse and children of a deceased officer who was a member of the Scheme.

  4. 問題:. 前行政長官於二 一二年二月成立「防止及處理潛在利益衝突獨立檢討委員會」,以檢討分別適用於行政長官、行政會議(行會)非官方成員及政治委任制度下官員防止利益衝突規管框架和程序,當中包括申報投資/利益和接受利益/款待安排 ...

  5. Leave balance will be encashed when an officer leaves the service except where leave is forfeited on grounds of disciplinary action. Officers at directorate level entitled to the new fringe benefits package can receive Leave Passage Allowance at the end of every 12 month's cycle.

  6. 操守審查. 政府對公務員實施一套操守審查制度,作為公務員招聘、晉升及調職機制其中一環。. 操守審查制度旨在確保現職和會受聘人員品格良好、廉潔正直。. 該制度有助確立市民對公務員信心。. 所有公務員在獲聘任前均須通過操守審查,審查程度視 ...

  7. 2023年11月30日 · Fringe Benefits. Civil servants can enjoy a range of fringe benefits depending on their rank, length of service, terms of appointment and other rules. The benefits include: Medical and dental benefits; Education allowances; Housing benefits; Leave; Passages; Retirement benefits.