- The physical controls on the camera are handy, with getting film in the camera and out being a fairly straightforward process. The viewfinder on the H35N is smaller than the H35’s, and the newer camera also comes with a tripod hole and the ability to do long exposure shots – but neither a cable nor tripod are provided with the camera.
Does Kodak h35n have a tripod?
What is a Kodak h35n?
Is the Kodak Ektar h35n a good camera?
Is the h35n a good camera?
Does the new Kodak h35n have a shutter speed?
Who makes Kodak Ektar h35n?
2024年10月25日 · The Kodak Ektar H35N is a half-frame reusable plastic film camera with a glass lens developed by RETO, a Brand Licensee of Kodak. A half-frame camera gives you twice as many frames per roll of film, since each shot only exposes half of the frame.
小編這次要來開箱紅了好一陣子、顏值頗高的KODAK EKTAR H35N半格機,其並非一次性的底片相機,而是可以重複使用的平價即可拍,好奇的朋友一起看下去吧!
2023年10月26日 · But the new Kodak Ektar H35N takes a cue from a legendary plastic fantastic, the Holga 120N, by adding a bulb shutter and a tripod socket. This will allow photographers to explore slow...
光線問題. 光線的問題也要注意下,讓大家看看這些黑黑的照片。 因為Ektar H35N的光圈只有F8,所以有些肉眼光線可能還好的地方拍出來卻是黑黑的一片,尤其是在室內,拍人的話一定要開閃光燈。 這個問題其實不單單出現在這部相機,所有的菲林機也要注意一下。 那怎麼解決呢? 最簡單而且最廢的建議就是拍多一點,累積經驗你就知道了。 另外一個解決方法就是看陽光,基本上黃昏後我就不會拿這台相機出來拍照了。 黃昏太陽的光線可以讓大家做一個指標,過了就有點暗了。 總括來說,這部Kodak Ektar H35N小巧方便,給想體驗菲林照片感覺的人是一個蠻不錯的選擇,對於旅行不想帶沈重菲林單反但又想拍菲林的我來說,也是一個不二之選。
2024年4月2日 · There is a tripod bush to help with use of 'B', and a socket for a cable release in the top of the camera. As with the original camera, there is a small built-in flash, powered by a single AAA battery and switched on or off by turning the lens-surround ring.
2023年11月2日 · The camera is incredibly lightweight and small enough to put into a large trouser or pants pocket, jacket pocket, small purse, etc. It’s smaller than my phone (Samsung Galaxy A52) in every dimension except width! It also has a tripod mount and a place to use a cable release. Me with the silver Kodak Ektar H35N.