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  1. Does lighting affect your health? 相關

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    • Yes

      • Dear Reader: Yes. Decades of studies have shown that natural light has a powerful, and often positive, effect not only on mental health, but also on physical health and general well-being.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. 2021年6月29日 · Key points. Natural light has the potential to enhance people’s mood, creativity, and cognitive performance. Warm lighting can help create a cozy, social atmosphere, while cool lighting can...

  3. 2 天前 · Our mood can lift in sunlight for a number of reasons, related to our genes, brain and hormones. New Africa/Shutterstock. Light can also affect mood and mental health as the seasons change. During ...

  4. 2021年7月20日 · Typical home lighting practice is mainly centred on visual aspects to enable safe movement between spaces, flexibility in multiuse spaces, a sense of aesthetics and energy efficiency. Whilst lighting impacts on the health of residents have not received similar consideration, this area is gaining increasing interest.

    • C Ticleanu
    • 2021
  5. 2022年3月25日 · Decades of studies have shown that natural light has a powerful, and often positive, effect not only on mental health, but also on physical health and general well-being. It’s something that most of us know intuitively, and it also is reflected in public opinion.

    • Ask The Doctors
  6. 2021年4月28日 · Light can impact human health via the visual and non-visual systems originating in the retina of the eye or as optical radiation falling on eye or skin. This paper provides a summary of what is known about these impacts.

    • PR Boyce
    • 2021
  7. 2023年10月9日 · A study now shows that there is an independent association between increased light at night and decreased light during the day with a variety of mental health disorders. Light has a broad...

  8. 2020年8月11日 · Health benefits of natural light. 1. Boosts vitamin D. When exposed to sunlight, the skin absorbs vitamin D, a critical nutrient that prevents bone loss and reduces the risk of heart disease,...