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  1. How do I get Started with Ion? 相關

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  1. Ionic is an open source UI toolkit for building performant, high-quality mobile apps using web technologies — HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — with integrations for popular frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue. Get started building by installing Ionic or following our First App Tutorial to learn the main concepts.

  2. Highlights include: One Angular-based codebase that runs on the web, iOS, and Android using Ionic Framework UI components. Deployed as a native iOS and Android mobile app using Capacitor, Ionic's official native app runtime. Photo Gallery functionality powered by the Capacitor Camera, Filesystem, and Preferences APIs.

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  4. Start building with Ionic’s cross-platform development kit, or import any existing mobile app to build, publish, and update your apps from the cloud with Appflow: Start a new app. Create a new app via our CLI or visually with our App Wizard. Create app →. Import an app. Import an existing app into the Appflow dashboard. Import an app →.

  5. To get started, let's install the latest version of the Ionic CLI. npm install -g @ionic/cli. From here, the global command ionic will allow for the creation of a React project with Ionic and any other dependencies. To create a new project, run the following command: ionic start myApp blank --type=react. cd myApp.

  6. How to Get Started with Ionic and Angular. Welcome to the 1. lesson of the Ionic Crash Course! Today we will start at ground zero, which means getting to know Ionic, setting up our environment, getting a first Ionic app up and running and taking a basic look at what we got inside our app folder.

    • How do I get Started with Ion?1
    • How do I get Started with Ion?2
    • How do I get Started with Ion?3
    • How do I get Started with Ion?4
    • How do I get Started with Ion?5
  7. 2023年12月14日 · To get started, bring up a terminal, create a new Ionic app, and navigate into the project folder. We will use the blank template and the --type angular flag to create an Angular app – make sure you pick Standalone Components when asked about how you want to build your app! ionic start modernApp blank -- type angular.

  8. 2020年8月14日 · In this Ionic tutorial we will build an example app with a question and answer format (Q&A), similar to Stack Overflow. We will go through the core concepts of an Ionic App such as project structure, navigation, UI/UX and data integration with a remote API. You will learn how to build an Ionic 5 app from scratch.