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  1. 其他人也問了

    • What Is A Quotation email?
    • How to Write A Quotation Email
    • 6 Quotation Email Examples
    • Quotation Email Template
    • Send Effective Quotation Emails with Flowrite

    Quotation emails are different from cost estimates. How? Estimates can provide you with an idea of costs. Quotations are fixed prices that you can use in a budget proposal and as part of a procurement process. You may want a quote for an individual part or a whole truckload. You may also want a quote for delivering a single service or ongoing suppo...

    If you're writing a quote email to a supplier, vendor, or partner, here are 8 tips you should always follow. 1. Make it clear you want a price (or make the price clear)– hit them up with a request for a price first, as this is what most people care about. 2. Push paint points pain pointsare the problems you face. Reflect on these in your quotatio...

    To explain the principles above, here are six examples of effective quotation emails for various products, services, and situations. As well as the samples themselves, we provide a short analysis of the audience and why they're effective. Samples and templates are, by nature, generic – so before using them in business, be sure to edit and adapt the...

    Our samples provide an excellent way to understand the different ways to request a quote (and reply). We finish with a customizable template suitable for all types of quotation requests. If you want to use the template to create quick and efficient quotation emails, add the details in the gaps provided and delete those sections that are unnecessary...

    Flowrite is your personal email assistant that uses artificial intelligence to write your emails for you. It's the fastest way to write repetitive emails that normally take a large chunk of your day. You can automate a part of your email writing like so:

  2. 2021年2月19日 · 一般來說,我們會發電郵予對方,直接詢問某產品型號的價格,然而,當有客製化需要的時候,我們便需向對方提出有關要求,務求得到估算後的報價。 既然詢價電郵是其中一類我們較常需要撰寫的電郵,那麼,我們確實理應好好學習如何駕馭這類電郵的撰寫方式,好讓自己工作得更輕鬆自如。 今次,筆者為你準備了詢價常用的例句和範文,讓你能更輕鬆的學會如何寫一封有效而且得體的詢價電郵。 本文出現的例句極為實用,定能讓你在職場上工作得更加得心應手。 一、Subject line: Inquiry about ___(產品/型號名稱)___ Request for Quotation concerning the ___(e.g. XXX Project)___ 二、電郵上款:

  3. Sending Revised Quotation Email Sample. Subject: Revised Quotation for [Project/Service] Dear [Client's Name], I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to express my gratitude for considering [Your Company Name] for [project/service] and for providing us with the opportunity to submit a quotation.

  4. 2024年6月18日 · Quote request emails closing. At the end of a quotation letter, provide your contact details, including your name, position, company name, email address, and phone number for the recipient to easily reach out. It is also important to add a polite closing remark to appreciate the recipient's cooperation in advance.

    • Professional Tech Writer
  5. 2024年6月27日 · When sending a revised quotation email, ensure you precisely state what your clients need. Here is a template that can help. Subject line: Revised quotation for your requested products

  6. 2022年12月21日 · Table of contents. 1. What is a quotation email? 2. Why to send a quotation email? 3. Best practices to send quotation emails. 4. Each and every kind of a quotation email template. 4.1 Request for quotation email template. 4.2 Quotation offer email template. 4.3 Revised quotation email template condition 1)