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    • 10 days

      • So how many days of paid vacation are mandated by law in Japan? In Japan, you get a minimum of 10 days of paid vacation every year. This minimum is every full-time worker’s right, and it’s protected by the law.
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  2. 2024年4月25日 · In Japan, you get a minimum of 10 days of paid vacation every year. This minimum is every full-time worker’s right, and it’s protected by the law. And 10 days is just the starting point — full-time workers are entitled to more vacation days each year they continue to work at a company.

  3. However, up to 20 days of paid leave can be carried over to the following year. For example, if you didn’t use 10 days of paid leave in 2023, and 20 days were newly granted in 2024, you could take up to 30 days of paid leave in 2024. But if you only take five days

    • Table of Contents
    • What Is Paid Leave 有休?
    • Paid Leave Calculation

    The yūkyū(有休)is an employee benefit that you can use to take time off from your regular work schedule. Days when you normally do not work are not considered yūkyū. To receive your yūkyū, you must have worked for your company for 6 months and have been present at work for at least 80% of that period. Although the former is standard, the implementati...

    In Japan, your employer is legally obligated to grant you at least 5 of your paid leave entitlements every year. All unused leaves will carry over to the following year, but not beyond. For example, assuming that throughout an entire year you only used the required 5-day yūkyūand had 5 left unused. In the following year, your paid leave entitlement...

  4. 2018年8月3日 · Full-time employees in Japan have a basic statutory entitlement to 10 days of paid leave in their first year. In order to qualify for this, they have to fulfill following conditions: working at least 30h/week. presence of more than 80% having worked at the company for 6 months (some companies let you take it earlier)

  5. 2022年5月26日 · All employees in Japan, full-time or part-time workers, are entitled to have annual paid leave. It’s called “yūkyū” (有休 ゆうきゅう). The status and how long you have worked in the company will determine how many leave days you receive. The number of leave days will increase along with the length of the service.

  6. 2023年12月26日 · Full-time employees receive 10 to 20 vacation days based on the number of years of service. After the first 6 months (and 80% attendance), employees are eligible for 10 days of vacation. After 1.5 years of service, an employee gets 1 additional vacation day per year.

  7. 2021年2月22日 · Compulsory 5-days Annual Paid Leave Rule. With the introduction of the reformed Labor Standards Act in April 2019, employers are now obliged to ensure that individuals who are entitled to more than 10 days of annual paid leave take at least 5 of those days per year.

  1. How many days a year do you get paid vacation in Japan? 相關

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