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    • Taiwan Public Holidays - PublicHolidays.tw
      • Many of the celebrations enjoyed in Taiwan are multi-day events. Some of the events will have a second date added to them where the entire workforce has a “make-up” day scheduled to work. These make up days are also issued as part of the national holiday list each year.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. 台灣目前有19個國定假日,每個國定假日都由勞工部通過《勞動標準法》及相關施行細則訂定。 同時,臺北的人事行政局規定了所有非工作假日。 台灣政府其他部門曾經發佈過一次性法定假日,通常在發生緊急狀況時發佈,比如颱風襲擊,政府有權利以任何原因發佈一次性法定假日。 台灣的許多慶祝活動會持續多日,因此員工擁有第二次機會參加活動。 於是,全體員工為了完成計畫工作,他們會選擇補回假期。 這些補回假期也被列為每年國定假日的一部分,有些補回假期也會碰上週末。 法律並無規定員工在國定假日內享有帶薪休假,只提到每逢假日都要休息一天。 但由於員工的職位不同,他們需要按照計畫完成工作,因此他們會有調休假期。 私人雇傭合同中可能會給調休員工提供帶薪休假,有些雇主也會在國定假日內提供帶薪休假的福利。 昔年.

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    • 學年度行事曆

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    • 228紀念日

      228紀念日是台灣的國定假日, 用以紀念二二八事件受難者。 ...

    • 清明節

      清明節在台灣是國定假日。 清明節是華人傳統節日,用以紀念 ...

    • 勞動節

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  3. Holidays today, tomorrow, and upcoming holidays in Taiwan, including types like federal, national, statutory, and public holidays.

  4. 上班日為星期一或星期五,其後一日或前一日逢星期二或星期四之兒童節及民族掃墓節連假之放假,調整該上班日為放假日(政府機關調整上班日期處理要點第4條第1項)。. 農曆除夕前一日為上班日者,調整該上班日為放假日(處理要點第4條第2項)。. 因應 ...

  5. 2020年1月1日 · Comprehensive list of National Public Holidays that are celebrated in Taiwan during 2024 with dates and information on the origin and meaning of holidays.

  6. 1 天前 · Taiwan Public Holidays. Today – 23 July 2024 – is not a holiday in Taiwan. Discover upcoming public holiday dates for Taiwan and start planning to make the most of your time off.

  7. The following are considered holidays in Taiwan. Some are official holidays, and some are not: Table of Taiwan holidays. Public holidays. Unofficial holidays. The following holidays are also observed on Taiwan but are not official holidays observed by civil servants of the central government.

  8. Overview of holidays and many observances in Taiwan during the year 2022 News News Home Astronomy News Time Zone News Calendar & Holiday News Newsletter Live events World Clock Main World Clock Extended World Clock Personal World Clock