雅虎香港 搜尋


    • Not connected

      • The University of Hong Kong is not connected to or affiliated with any of the above notebook suppliers. The University has not entered into any business agreements with the suppliers nor does the University stand to benefit financially from the services and products offered.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. The University of Hong Kong is not connected to or affiliated with any of the above notebook suppliers. The University has not entered into any business agreements with the suppliers nor does the University stand to benefit financially from the services and products offered.

  3. The University of Hong Kong is not connected to or affiliated with any of the above notebook suppliers. The University has not entered into any business agreements with the suppliers nor does the University stand to benefit financially from the services and products offered.

  4. 2024年8月1日 · The University of Hong Kong is not connected to or affiliated with any of the above notebook suppliers. The University has not entered into any business agreements with the suppliers nor does the University stand to benefit financially from the services and

  5. We are pleased to announce Notebook Ownership Programmme 2022. Lines of brands including Acer、Apple、ASUS、Dell、HP and Lenovo are covered in the programmme.

    • 大學電腦優惠集合2024
    • 大專生notebook Ownership Program 2024
    • 香港城市大學專業進修學院 (CityU Scope)
    • Apple教育商店back to School:免費拎走airpods/Apple Pencil
    • 2024大學電腦優惠 配合信用卡賺回贈
    • Microsoft教育專區:Surface電腦有折
    • 常見問題:Back to School開學電腦優惠

    一年一度的 Notebook Ownership Program (NOP) 由大專院校和各電腦供應商合辦,為各大專學生、教職員及校友提供比市場更新、更優惠的手提電腦及配件,於每年7月底至8月初開始接受訂購,最低可享低至65折。目前網站只有公布香港大學的學生電腦優惠,其他院校則尚未公布。但你仍然可以參考去年2023年的優惠,並待網頁公布最新詳情。

    香港大學專業進修學院的同學可使用專屬連結於網上訂購電腦,品牌有Acer、ASUS、HP及Lenovo。 返回頁首 相關文章: iPhone 16 價錢、上市日期、新功能+買iPhone信用卡優惠 iPhone 16 電訊商上台優惠比較

    Apple Back to School 2024 (簡稱 BTS 2024) 已經展開!即日起至9月30日,在學或已獲取錄的大專院校學生以及教職員可用在Apple Store 個人教育商店或致電 800-908-988 (Apple Store零售店除外) 以優惠價購買指定 Mac 或 iPad,最高減近HK$2,400! 此外,購買時同時選購指定 AirPods、AirPods Pro 及 Apple Pencil 型號,可以獲得推廣折扣金額,當中 AirPods 第2、3代及今年新加入的 Apple Pencil 第2代更有機會免費獲得! Back to School 其他大專生優惠: 1. Apple Trade In 以舊換新優惠 2. Mac 或 iPad 購買 AppleCar...

    購買電腦花費甚多,購買時如善用可賺里數或回贈的信用卡,順道可賺取獎賞。對於剛升學未有收入的學生而言,亦可申請門檻較低或專為大專學生而設的信用卡,賺盡迎新獎賞。MoneySmart 立即為各位大專生、大學生介紹3張迎新必備信用卡!

    Microsoft教育專區專門為大學或大專院校學生及教職員提供大學電腦優惠,購買 Surface Go 3、Surface Laptop Go 2 等都有折扣及贈品,贈品包括 Microsoft 365 個人版、電腦袋及 Surface Mouse 滑鼠。 現時 Surface Laptop 5 正推行學生優惠,原價HK$8,488,學生優惠價HK$5,988,大專生購買更可獲贈 Surface Arc Mouse,總值HK $598! 購買時,需要以大學電郵地址作驗證,Microsoft 會經電郵發送購買詳情。每人於每張訂單內最多可購買每類產品及其每種配件各一件。 返回頁首

    Apple Back to School 2024 提供什麼優惠? 學生以優惠價購買指定 Mac 或 iPad,最高可減近HK$2,300。同時,購買指定 AirPods、AirPods Pro 及 Apple Pencil 型號,可以獲得推廣折扣金額,其中 AirPods 第2、3代及 Apple Pencil 第2代更有機會免費獲得。 哪些信用卡適合大專生申請? 恒生大學/大專聯營信用卡永久免年費,以卡交學費還可享 2.4% Cash Dollars 回贈。WeWa銀聯鑽石學生卡不設入息要求,可享2%現金回贈。安信EarnMORE銀聯鑽石卡高達$770迎新回贈。滙豐滙財金學生卡交學費賺額外2.4%獎賞錢。 Microsoft教育專區有哪些優惠? 學生及教職員可在 Microsoft 教育...

  6. 大專院校即將推出2024年度大學生與大專生電腦優惠Notebook ownership及U-Mac program,MoneyHero為大家整合Apple、Dell、Samsung、Lenovo、ASUS、HP或Acer等電腦優惠、訂購網址及開售日期!

  7. We are pleased to announce Notebook Ownership Program for HKU SPACE Alumni members. Lines of brands including Acer, Dell, HP and Lenovo are covered in the program.