雅虎香港 搜尋


      • Employment of Young Persons (Industry) Regulations made under the Employment Ordinance regulate the hours of work and the general conditions of employment of young persons in industrial undertakings. A young person means a person of or over the age of 15 years but under the age of 18 years.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. The Employment of Young Persons (Industry) Regulations apply to all young persons employed in industrial undertakings, with the following exceptions : (a) in the non-industrial sector; (b) in any industrial undertaking in a clerical or managerial capacity or in any

    • Maximum Working Hours
    • Intervals For Meals Or Rest
    • Rest Days
    • Others
    The maximum working hours for a young person is eight hours a day and 48 hours a week.
    You are also not allowed to work more than six days a week or work overtime.
    Working time should be within 7 am and 7 pm unless special permissions are granted by the Labour Department (LD).
    The employer must complete a specified notice on the permissible working hours, the intervals for meals or rest and the arrangement of rest days for young persons to be employed. No change shall be...
    You should not be made to work during your intervals for meals or rest as shown in the notice.
    You shall be given one rest day a week.
    Work on rest days is strictly prohibited.
    You should not be made to work underground such as a mine or quarry.
    You should not be made to work in dangerous trades such as boiler chipping, manufacture of glass, mercury, sulphuric acids, etc.
    You should not be allowed to carry any unreasonably heavy load.
    You should be provided facilities for sitting where work must be done standing.
  3. young person in an industrial undertaking may, by agreement between the employer and the young person concerned, exceed 8 on one or more days in any week or 48 in any

  4. Employment of Young Persons (Industry) Regulations made under the Employment Ordinance regulate the hours of work and the general conditions of employment of young persons in industrial undertakings. A young person means a person of or over the age of 15 years but under the age of 18 years.

  5. 受僱於工業經營的青年的權益. 根據《僱傭條例》,如你年滿 15 歲但未滿 18 歲,便屬於「青年」。 根據《僱傭條例》下的《僱用青年(工業)規例》,如你在工業經營受僱,便可享有以下權益。 最高工作時數. 受僱青年最高工作時數為每日八小時,每星期48小時。 每星期最多只可工作六天,而且不得超時工作。 工作時間必須在每日上午7時至下午 7時之間,除非獲勞工處特別許可。 用膳及休息時間. 僱主必須填妥指定通告,訂定受僱青年的許可工作時數、用膳或休息時間,及休息日的安排。 除非事先通知勞工處和填寫一份新的通告,否則不得更改。 你不得在通告訂定的用膳或休息時間內工作。 休息日. 你每周應享有一天休息日。 你不得在休息日工作。 其他. 你不得在礦場或石礦場等地進行地底工作。

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  1. What are the employment of Young Persons (Industry) Regulations? 相關
