- Dear Sir or Madam implies that you have one specific person in mind for this letter, but do not know their name, title, or gender. This salutation should be used for communication regarding specific projects, specific concerns, or employment.
www.grammarly.com/blog/commonly-confused-words/dear-sir-or-madam/“Dear Sir or Madam” — Is It Still Appropriate to Use? - Grammarly
2020年7月29日 · 「 Dear Sir or Madam」算是過時的稱謂了,現在幾乎沒有人在用,因為這稱謂給人一種太正式及僵硬的感覺,不適合一般語境之餘,亦令人覺得沒有誠意,因為你連查一下對方的稱呼或所屬部門也懶得做。
2020年6月10日 · When writing a formal letter or email, you should avoid using “Dear Sir or Madam.” Instead, research your recipient and use their name. If you don’t know the name, there are alternatives that are more acceptable.
used to begin a formal letter when you do not know if the person you are writing to is a man or a woman: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my concern over the recent proposal to build housing on Orchard Park. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to request further information on the above planning application.
2019年10月17日 · 在書寫正式的英文郵件或信件時,如果不知道收件人的姓名,通常應以 「Dear Sir/Madam,…」 的稱呼開頭,這就相當於漢語書信中的 「尊敬的先生/女士」。
2023年9月18日 · used to begin a formal letter when you do not know if the person you are writing to is a man or a woman: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my concern over the recent proposal to build housing on Orchard Park. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to request further information on the above planning application.
5 天前 · 在书写正式的英文邮件或信件时,如果不知道收件人的姓名,通常应以 “Dear Sir/Madam,…” 的称呼开头,这就相当于汉语书信中的 “尊敬的先生/女士
2023年8月3日 · Common salutations such as “Dear Sir or Madam,” and “To Whom It May Concern,” will set the tone for the rest of your letter and can create a strong first impression, or it can make it difficult for you to win the reader over with the rest of your letter.