雅虎香港 搜尋


      • Farruquito is recognised as the heir to Spain’s most celebrated dynasty of gypsy flamenco artists, inheriting the mantle from his grandfather, El Farruco, one of the greatest dancers in the history of flamenco, when he was just 15, and has received numerous prestigious awards as both dancer and composer throughout his career.
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  2. 高能量舞技結合動人樂曲. 令人熱血沸騰的佛蘭明高真味盛宴. 法魯基托獲《紐約時報》譽為「本世紀最出類拔萃的佛蘭明高舞者之一」,貴為顯赫的佛蘭明高家族繼承人,他以細膩而極具爆炸力的舞蹈動作、充滿戲劇張力的編舞震撼舞壇。 法魯基托舞台魅力非凡,站在台上便是目光所在 ——法魯基托就等同佛蘭明高。 多才多藝的他更身兼作曲、作詞、編舞及演出,令每個作品渾然一體。 法魯基托來自佛蘭明高世家,外祖父是佛蘭明高傳奇舞者法盧高,父母也是著名佛蘭明高歌手及舞者。 他四歲時已在外祖父的百老滙演出中首踏台板,一鳴驚人。 十五歲即成為家族接棒人,發揚佛蘭明高舞蹈藝術,延續家族傳奇。 「法魯基托的佛蘭明高 」 已先後於世界各地近四十個城市巡演,大獲藝評人及觀眾推崇。

  3. 法鲁基托获《纽约时报》誉为「本世纪最出类拔萃的佛兰明高舞者之一」,他首度访港即带来风靡全球的杰作「法鲁基托的佛兰明高」。. 身为佛兰明高传奇家族继承人,法鲁基托带领台上多名出色舞者、歌手及乐手忘情演出,狂野的舞姿与情感炽热的音乐碰撞 ...

  4. 2016年3月11日 · The flamenco dancer Farruquito returned to New York on Thursday, after an absence of 13 years, like a king reclaiming his realm. Within moments, he proved that he is one of today’s superlative...

  5. 2023年10月5日 · 明年3月,有「本世紀最出類拔萃的佛蘭明高舞者」之譽的知名舞蹈家法魯基托(Farruquito)首度訪港,帶來其曾在四十個城市巡演並備受好評的《法魯基托的佛蘭明高》(《Farruquito—Flamenco》) ,讓本地觀眾一「嘗」佛蘭明高「真味」。

  6. 2024年2月14日 · Farruquito, the heir to Spain’s most renowned gypsy flamenco dynasty as the grandson of the great flamenco dancer El Farruco, is making his inaugural performance in Hong Kong.

  7. As the principal inheritor of the greatest Gypsy flamenco bloodline, Farruquito has made it his life’s mission to share the purest form of flamenco on stages all around the world while further broadening his influence by collaborating with the most paramount film