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      • This Master of Applied Science programme focuses on the practical application of knowledge and skills in the real-world clinical diagnostic laboratory. It is designed to equip students with the advanced technical and analytical skills necessary for performing complex laboratory tests and working in clinical diagnostic laboratory settings.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. This programme is designed to prepare graduates to enter the medical laboratory field in provides students with comprehensive academic and professional training in medical laboratory science (MLS) for satisfying the standard of practice set by The Hong Kong Medical Laboratory Technologist Board.

  3. It involves hands-on training in various areas of laboratory science, such as clinical chemistry and immunology, haematology and transfusion science, histopathology and cytology, medical microbiology, and molecular diagnostics.

  4. This programme provides students with critical knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of specialist disciplines such as haematology and transfusion science, chemical pathology, medical microbiology, molecular biology, anatomical

  5. Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science (MSCMLSF) - School of Science and Technology - Hong Kong Metropolitan University. 科技學院 課程 應用科學系 Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science (MSCMLSF) 本頁只提供英文版本。 請按上方 “ English ” 鍵閱覽所需資料。

  6. This programme aims to develop students with academic training, analytical, technical, theoretical and practical knowledge in aspects of life sciences; and to equip students with an in-depth understanding of the theories, practices, and research methodologies in

  7. The field of medical laboratory science is comprised of five major disciplines: clinical hematology and transfusion science, clinical chemistry and immunology, medical microbiology, cellular pathology and molecular diagnostics. Other sub-specialties within the five main disciplines are taught and trained throughout the curriculum as well. Remarks:

  8. The Hong Kong Metropolitan University programme allows suitably qualified science graduates to pursue further studies in Medical Laboratory Science which will enable them to move towards a career path in healthcare.

  1. What is HKMU's medical laboratory science programme? 相關

  2. 校園參觀、體驗活動、升學講座及課程諮詢,搜羅最新課程資訊。歡迎學生及家長網上登記參加。 DSE考生必聽:11月9日文憑試考生升學貼士講座,VTC升學專家分享課程特色及多元升學路。