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    • Cognitive computing platform

      Image courtesy of zdnet.com

      圖片: zdnet.com

      • IBM Watson is a cognitive computing platform originally developed by IBM to answer questions on the quiz show Jeopardy. Watson was built on the company’s DeepQA project, and its advanced question answering (QA) capabilities are now being utilized by IBM and enterprise customers in a variety of applications.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › IBM_WatsonIBM Watson - Wikipedia

    IBM Watson is a computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language. It was developed as a part of IBM's DeepQA project by a research team, led by principal investigator David Ferrucci. Watson was named after IBM's founder and first.

  3. www.ibm.com › watsonIBM Watson

    Clients in industries ranging from financial services to retail put Watson to work to unlock new insights, drive productivity and deliver better customer experiences. Now through advancements in core Watson technologies, IBM has developed the next generation AI.

  4. 沃森 (英語: Watson )是能够使用 自然语言 来回答问题的 人工智能 系统, [2] IBM 公司的首席研究员 大衛·費魯奇 (英语:David Ferrucci) 所领导的DeepQA计划小组开发并以该公司创始人 托马斯·J·沃森 的名字命名。 [3] [4] 2011年,沃森参加综艺节目《 危险边缘 》来测试它的能力,这是该节目有史以来第一次人与机器对决。 [3] 2月14日至16日广播的3集节目中,沃森在前两轮中与对手打平,而在最后一集里,沃森打败了最高奖金得主 布拉德·鲁特尔 (英语:Brad Rutter) 和连胜纪录保持者 肯·詹宁斯 。 [5] [6] 沃森赢得了第一笔奖金100万美元,而肯·詹宁斯和布拉德·鲁特尔分别只有30万和20万。

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  6. 2024年1月27日 · What is Watson – The Wizard of AI! Imagine you have a super-smart computer buddy named Watson. Watson is like a really, really clever robot made by a company called IBM. Now, what makes Watson so special is that it’s amazing at looking at a lot of information, like when you have a big pile of books and you want to learn something from them.

  7. www.ibm.com › cn-zh › watsonIBM Watson

    Watson 引发了大众对“可以思考的机器”的好奇心,并开辟了 AI 如何应用于商业的可能性。 从金融服务到零售业,各行各业的客户都在让 Watson 发挥作用,以便解锁新洞察,提高生产力并提供更好的客户体验。

  8. 華生(英語: Watson )是能夠使用自然語言來回答問題的人工智慧系統,[2] IBM公司的首席研究員 大衛·費魯奇 ( 英語 : David Ferrucci ) 所領導的DeepQA計劃小組開發並以該公司創始人托馬斯·J·華生的名字命名。