- Nature-Inspired CREATE ION® Used by beauty professionals across the globe, CREATE ION®nature-inspired technology has obtained patents both domestically and internationally. Our products using this technology generate far-infrared rays and ions even when not powered on for near permanent effects.
CREATE ION®“的形成來自遠古時代自然界的能量及天然礦物質, 從他們釋放出的“負離子” ,“遠紅外線”,和“弱波動”, 通過有效地研究和綜合處理,創造出獨特的離子技術 透過上述三項能量“負離子”,“遠紅外線”和“弱波動”,與空氣中及毛髮表面的水 ...
Used by beauty professionals across the globe, CREATE ION®nature-inspired technology has obtained patents both domestically and internationally. Our products using this technology generate far-infrared rays and ions even when not powered on for near permanent effects.
CREATE ION is a natural ore which contains sunlight energy from the ancient times. We process the natural ore into natural mineral powder which generates a large amount of negative ions, far infrared rays and weak wavelength.
CREATE ION®“的形成来自远古时代自然界的能量及天然矿物质, 从他们释放出的“负离子” ,“远红外线”,和“弱波动”, 通过有效地研究和综合处理,创造出独特的离子技术 透过上述叁项能量“负离子”,“远红外线”和“弱波动”,与空气中及毛髮表面的 ...
为您的美丽和健康保驾护航从自然界提炼的CREATE ION®. 创离子株式会社自主研发离子技术,并取得国内外多项专利和商标,深受各国的顶级美容造型师的青睐。 自然界中存在着即使不导电的情况下也能产生离子和远红外线的天然矿石,其效果是半永久性的。 为了永久守护您的美与健康,我们精心挑选天然矿石作为原料,并成功开创出CREATE ION®(创离子®)技术应用到各类美发造型产品中。 WHAT’S “CREATE ION®”? 释放天然负离子和远红外线「多种天然矿物质粉末」 世界上的活火山大约有7%集中在被誉为有火山大国的日本。 岩浆冷却后,形成坚硬岩石,其中含大量天然多元素矿物质。 随着地球的诞生及经过长年累月形成吸收太阳光线及自然界能量的矿石。
Biomimetic design: 10 examples of nature inspiring technology. A result of millions of years of successive improvement through natural selection, nature seems to have a solution for everything – find out how we’re using them to solve modern, human problems. Gertie Goddard.
2021年7月30日 · The term “nature-inspired” is associated with a sequence of efforts to understand, synthesize and imitate any natural object or phenomenon either in a tangible or intangible form, which allows...