雅虎香港 搜尋


      • The Royal Russell Family of Schools share educational vision and ethos which creates the environment for boys and girls aged 3 - 18 to flourish and strive for their own vision of success. Each School is led by its own ambitious Head Teacher and supported by a fantastic team of teaching and operational colleagues.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. The Royal Russell Family of Schools share educational vision and ethos which creates the environment for boys and girls aged 3 - 18 to flourish and strive for their own vision of success. Each School is led by its own ambitious Head Teacher and supported by a fantastic team of teaching and operational colleagues.

  3. The school is a member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference. The patron of the school was Queen Elizabeth II. There are 900 pupils at the Royal Russell School, aged between three and 18. The school occupies a site of over 100 acres (0.40 km 2) in gardens in a wooded estate two miles south-east of Croydon.

  4. 建校迄今超過 170 年的 Royal Russell School,校舍佔地 110 英畝。 學校距離倫敦及倫敦希斯路機場分別約 30 及 60 分鐘車程,交通十分方便。 為配合國際生的需要,學校提供免費英語補習班,有效提升學生英語水平。

    • What is the Royal Russell family of schools?1
    • What is the Royal Russell family of schools?2
    • What is the Royal Russell family of schools?3
    • What is the Royal Russell family of schools?4
    • What is the Royal Russell family of schools?5
  5. Royal Russell is proud to have enjoyed Royal Patronage from its foundation and Her Majesty The Queen visited our school on four occasions. Her first visit was in 1950 as Princess Elizabeth ; in 1963 she opened Cambridge House and the Practical Block and she joined our celebrations of 125 years in 1979.

    • 盡用倫敦一小時距離 為寄宿學生增值活動多樣性
    • 足球訓練 模擬聯合國比賽 達國家級水平
    • 現代化傳統英式價值觀

    鄰近倫敦市中心是 Royal Russell School 的另一優勢。乘坐20分鐘特快火車可直達倫敦,學校會在週末舉辦即日來回的活動,例如帶學生出外參觀倫敦博物館或參加週末市集、到 Harry Potter Studio 遊玩、觀看足球比賽等,而這些活動不止安排給寄宿生,日校生亦可報名參加,增加聯誼機會。學校希望同學盡情享受校園生活,為防寄宿學生過分依賴電子產品,學校限制低年班寄宿生使用電話的時段限制,上課期間亦要求他們把電話存放在儲物櫃內。 延伸閱讀 : 1. 倫敦以北的中產小鎮 ST. ALBANS 2. 泰晤士河畔的名校區 – Kingston Upon Thames 3. 歷史與藝術文化氣息的倫敦富人區 Richmond Upon Thames

    學校擁有六個足球場,更憑著 Football Academy 運動員訓練課程聞名全國,適合對足球有熱誠的同學。該訓練課程已經舉辦了8年,甚至有曾經代表國家出賽,贏過 National Champion。有學生畢業後甚至成為專業運動員,達到國家級水平。Royal Russell School 另一項聞名全國的活動,就是模擬聯合國。學校不只容許高年班同學參加,亦歡迎低年級同學報名,聚集議論有關世界大事的課題,如溫室效應、全球經濟鏈等,將平日課堂學習到的知識融會貫通,鍛煉邏輯推理、聆聽別人及陳述自己的論點。

    即使 Royal Russell 屬「大校」,但其教育模式及學校政策上亦會兼容日校生、寄宿生的需要,盡量令學生融入,並對學校保持歸屬感,來達至學校的校訓 「Not for oneself, but for all」。英國學生來自倫敦週邊居住的家庭,家庭教育令其子女更兼容國際文化,輕易融入學校社交圈子。而預科學生的日常時間表亦有職業課程,提供一對一的職業建議及大學申請策略支援。 學校更提供Oxbridge準備課程、面試訓練及職業諮詢,以確保同學順利考獲第一志願大學 。 英國大學資料庫: 1. 牛津大學 2. 劍橋大學

  6. Royal Russell School創立於1853年,是一所男女子寄宿中學,有超過160多年的歷史。 學校招收3-18歲的學生,設有幼兒、初中和高中部,現時人數已超過1000人,其中國際學生佔約20%。

  7. Royal Russell is a co-educational day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 - 18, situated in 110 acres of stunning woodland. As a family school, it offers an exceptional education by valuing what makes each pupil distinctively brilliant.