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    • King George V School 英皇佐治五世學校 - 升學天地
      • King George V School, which was founded 100 years ago, is part of the English Schools Foundation and currently serves over 1,600 students made up of over 30 nationalities. Founded as the Central British School, The school was moved from its previous location in Nathan Road in 1936 and now boasts one of the biggest school sites in Hong Kong.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. King George V School (KGV, pronounced "K-G-Five") is a coeducational international secondary independent school of the English Schools Foundation (ESF), located in Ho Man Tin, Hong Kong. The school has more than 1,900 students and is one of the oldest schools in Hong Kong.

  3. History. King George V School is one of the oldest schools in Hong Kong. When the school first opened it was very different to the school students attend today. The first KGV School was built in a small building on Nathan Road in 1894. It was called Kowloon College.

  4. King George V School, which was founded 100 years ago, is part of the English Schools Foundation and currently serves over 1,600 students made up of over 30 nationalities. Founded as the Central British School, The school was moved from its previous location in Nathan Road in 1936 and now boasts one of the biggest school sites in Hong Kong.

    • What is the history of King George V School?1
    • What is the history of King George V School?2
    • What is the history of King George V School?3
    • What is the history of King George V School?4
    • What is the history of King George V School?5
  5. 英皇佐治五世學校 (英語: King George V School,簡稱 KGV,V 為 羅馬數字 讀作 five)是 香港 英基學校協會 屬下的其中一間男女校,位於 九龍城區 何文田 天光道 2號,總面積41,278 平方米 [1],以 英國國王 佐治五世 命名。. 作為 國際學校,英皇佐治五世學校並不跟 ...

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    英皇佐治五世學校是英基學校協會歷史最悠久的一間學校。它的前身是1894年創辦、位於彌敦道136號的九龍書院(英語:Kowloon College,現前九龍英童學校大樓),後來更名為九龍英童學校(英語:Kowloon British School),1902年4月19日再易名為中央英童學校(英語:Central British School),學生主要是居港英國人子女。原校舍由何東爵士捐贈興建,校舍為典型維多利亞時代建築,但亦因應香港氣候環境,建有寬闊走廊,高樓面和金字瓦頂等。該址由1991年7月19日起定為香港法定古蹟,受香港法例第53章《古物及古蹟條例》保護,現改成古物古蹟辦事處辦公室。 至1930年,學校已經有超過300名學生;後來選擇搬遷到何文田現址。主樓於1935年5月15日由時任香...

    英皇佐治五世學校共有9座教學樓,並設有25米游泳池、草地運動場、兩個戲劇排練室等設施。 貝璐樓(Peel Block) 於1937年落成,貝璐樓以1930年至1935年出任香港總督的威廉·貝璐爵士的名字命名。他的姓名被刻於總督生前親自奠基的大理石上。 貝璐樓是校園建造的第一棟大樓。鑒於其年代和歷史意義,這棟大樓被列為香港二級歷史建築。 兩層樓高的貝璐樓是英皇佐治五世學校的行政中心,設有學校禮堂,健身房,檔案室,器材儲藏室,中學辦事處,複印室,學習資源中心,SSC課室,PTSA店,位於一樓的員工室與辦公室和一個媒體教室等等。 英皇佐治五世學校的校園在二戰時期被日本士兵用作醫院和地牢,所以這棟大樓一直流傳着許多謠言。其一的說法便是學校曾經的電腦室曾被用作日本士兵的刑求室,而另則說指晚上貝璐樓的屋...

    一直以來,英皇佐治五世學校跟隨英格蘭的教育制度。不過,隨着香港主權移交以及教育界對英國教育制度的質疑,普遍指英國教育制度已不適合現時的英皇佐治五世學校。經爭論後,學校將於2007/8年度摒棄現時英國中學通用教育證書(GCSE)及通用教育證書高級程度(GCE A-Level)課程,改行國際文憑大學預科課程(International Baccalaureate)制。 國際文憑中學項目(MYP) MYP 課程針對七年級至九年級的學生而設計,課程承接 PYP 項目中強調的學習者培養目標 (IB Learner Profiles) 及學習方法 (Approaches to Learning)。學生必須修讀所有科目(藝術、戲劇、英語、歷史、數學、音樂、體育、宗教、地理、科學、資訊及通訊科技)另外普通話...

  6. At ESF King George V School (KGV), our purpose is based on our belief that every student can ‘be their own remarkable…’ as they achieve, improve and learn.

  7. KGV School has a long and interesting history, starting as a small school in Tsim Sha Tsui in 1894, and growing and adapting with Hong Kong and moving to our current site in 1935. We are proud of our history, and excited about our future.