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      • The pensions legislation provides that the normal retirement age for civil servants appointed on pensionable terms is 55 under the Old Pension Scheme and 60 under the New Pension Scheme.
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  2. The pensions legislation provides that the normal retirement age for civil servants appointed on pensionable terms is 55 under the Old Pension Scheme and 60 under the New Pension Scheme. The pensions legislation has also provided that the prescribed retirement age for disciplined services officers under the New Pension Scheme is 55 or 57.

  3. we plan to raise the retirement age of new recruits joining the Civil Service from mid-2015 to: 65 in respect of the civilian grades; 60 in respect of the disciplined services grades, regardless of their ranks;

  4. If the retirement age is extended by five years, civil service new recruits in future would only be allowed to withdraw the accrued benefits attributable to the Government’s voluntary contributions upon leaving

  5. 立法會秘書處資料研究組表示,面對人口老化及勞動人口萎縮,政府作為全港最大僱主,在2015年宣布提高新入職公務員退休年齡,文職退休年齡為65歲,紀律部隊則為60歲。在2000年6月1日至2015年5月31日入職政府的公務員,亦可自願選擇在65歲(文職職系)或60歲(紀律部隊職系)退休。截至今年2月16日,約5 ...

  6. the civil service on or after 1 June 2015 are subject to the new retirement age of 65 in respect of civilian grades and 60 in respect of disciplined services grades, regardless of their ranks.

  7. 2015年3月23日 · Specifically, the retirement age of new recruits appointed to the Civil Service on or after June 1, 2015, will be raised to 65 in respect of the civilian grades, and 60 in respect of disciplined services grades, regardless of their ranks.

  8. 2014年6月25日 · SCPP agreed to the proposal to adopt a higher retirement age for new recruits to the civil service from a future date, and considered that such a move could serve as a model for other public sector and subvented organisations as well as private enterprises to follow.

  1. What is the retirement age for Civil Service recruits? 相關

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