雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. When is peak season in Hong Kong? 相關

  2. 位於九龍核心地段,毗鄰匯集購物、消閒和文化藝術的尖沙咀,讓生活節奏時刻緊貼香港的繁華脈搏。 租期靈活,毋須按金,即租即住,立即入住體驗星級酒店會所設施


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  2. 2023年11月7日 · The best time to visit Hong Kong is in the autumn, from late October to November. These shoulder season months fall outside of the summer tourism high season, and avoid the year’s most oppressive heat, humidity, and rainfall. Autumn temperatures are still comfortable, with averages in the twenties and drier conditions.

  3. 5 天前 · Peak Weather. The Peak in Hong Kong offers a mesmerizing experience all year round, showcasing its own distinctive beauty in each season. SPRING. March brings the arrival of spring, accompanied by fine spring rain and an average temperature ranging from 14 to 20 degrees.

  4. 2024年2月26日 · The overall best time to visit Hong Kong is from October through December, which is Hong Kong’s late autumn and early winter. During this time, you’ll experience great weather, with temperatures around 80 degrees Fahrenheit in October, the mid-70s in November, and the high 60s/low 70s in December.

    • When is peak season in Hong Kong?1
    • When is peak season in Hong Kong?2
    • When is peak season in Hong Kong?3
    • When is peak season in Hong Kong?4
    • When is peak season in Hong Kong?5
  5. The peak months are July, August, and September. July: There is almost a 60% chance that Hong Kong will experience a typhoon in July. July is hot and rainy. The average high and low temperatures are 32 °C (90 °F) and 27 °C (81 °F). There are occasional downpours or tropical storms and about 14 days of rain in the month for 324 mm of rain.

  6. Find out when Hong Kong has its high tourist season (the period when the influx of tourists is highest) and off-peak tourist season using our data and figures. Tourist seasons in Hong Kong The months with low numbers of tourists are: January, March, April, May, June, July, August and September.

  7. 2024年7月15日 · 香港的山頂一年四季都提供令人歎為觀止的體驗,每個季節都展現出獨特的美景。 春天. 三月迎來了春天,伴隨著細雨和平均氣溫在14至20攝氏度之間。 山頂的景色被輕霧所籠罩,營造出寧靜而美麗的氛圍。 空氣中彌漫著一股新生的氣息,使得這個時候成為遊覽山頂、欣賞壯麗景色的理想時刻。 夏天. 六月為夏季的開始,初夏時節,香港會有梅雨季節,雨水集中,七月和八月是最炎熱的月份,氣溫可達30至36攝氏度。 這是進行戶外活動和欣賞香港天際線全景的絕佳時機。 環繞山頂的郁郁蔥蔥的植被為繁忙的城市景觀增添了一抹寧靜。 秋天. 九月末迎來了清爽的秋季氣候,為旅行提供了良好的季節。 這個季節的平均氣溫介於15至22攝氏度之間。 秋天的山頂創造了舒適的氣氛,非常適合戶外探險和欣賞大自然的美景。

  8. The best time to visit Hong Kong is from October to early December, when the weather is sunny, cool, and pleasant. January/February is the best time to experience Hong Kong festivals, as it is the time when the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival

  1. When is peak season in Hong Kong? 相關

  2. 奧比斯是一間國際非牟利慈善機構,40 年來一直匯聚各界力量,領導全球共同對抗可避免的失明。 除了網上捐款,我們提供其他捐款方法,包括轉數快 (102081536), PayMe, WeChat 及八達通。